首页> 外文期刊>Communications Magazine, IEEE >Interference cancellation in optical CDMA systems via advanced binary optical logic gate elements

Interference cancellation in optical CDMA systems via advanced binary optical logic gate elements


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In this article we present an all passive optical iterative interference cancellation method for optical CDMA. We propose the receiver structure based on advanced binary optical logic gates (ABOLGs). Since the performance bottleneck in optical communication systems is the conversion from optical to electronic domains for optical detectors, the interference cancellation has been performed in the optical domain. In incoherent optical communication systems, we have only the positive values for the optical signals. In the proposed system, we bypass the negative values using logic arrays. In the simulations we consider multiple access interference and neglect other sources of noise. Simulation results show that in the future optical systems, the interference can be eliminated completely using iterative methods in the optical domains.



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