首页> 外文期刊>IEEE communications letters >Distributed PID-Based Scheduling for 6TiSCH Networks

Distributed PID-Based Scheduling for 6TiSCH Networks


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Industrial low-power networks are becoming the nexus of operational technologies and the Internet thanks to the standardization of networking layer interfaces. One of the main promoters of this shift is the IETF 6TiSCH WG, which addresses network management and IP integration of time synchronized channel hopping (TSCH) networks as those developed by the IEEE802.15.4 TG. The 6TiSCH WG is defining the operational interface and mechanism by which the network schedule can be distributed amongst the devices in the network. This operational sublayer, called 6top, supports distributed scheduling and enables implementers to define the scheduling policy, only standardizing the distribution mechanism. This letter proposes a novel distributed scheduling policy based on the well-known industrial control paradigm referred as proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) control. The proposed technique is completely decentralized, enabling each node to determine the number of cells to schedule to one another, according to its traffic demand. The mechanism is reactive to sudden or bursty traffic patterns, while staying conservative in over-provisioning cells.
机译:由于网络层接口的标准化,工业低功率网络正成为操作技术和Internet的纽带。 IETF 6TiSCH WG是这一转变的主要推动者之一,该组织致力于解决IEEE802.15.4 TG开发的网络管理和时间同步信道跳变(TSCH)网络的IP集成。 6TiSCH WG正在定义操作接口和机制,通过该接口和机制可以在网络中的设备之间分配网络调度。这个称为6top的操作子层支持分布式调度,并使实施者能够定义调度策略,仅对分发机制进行标准化。这封信提出了一种新的分布式调度策略,该策略基于众所周知的工业控制范式,称为比例,积分和微分(PID)控制。所提出的技术是完全分散的,使每个节点都可以根据其流量需求确定要调度的小区数量。该机制对突发流量或突发流量模式有反应,同时在预留空间过多的小区保持保守。



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