首页> 外文期刊>IEEE communications letters >Exact Equivocation Expressions for Wiretap Coding Over Erasure Channel Models

Exact Equivocation Expressions for Wiretap Coding Over Erasure Channel Models


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Traditional security analysis of wiretap codes requires evaluation of equivocation in the asymptote as the code blocklength tends to infinity. Finite blocklength codes, however, require exact expressions for equivocation so as to allow for comparison of parameterized codes across different code constructions or within the same construction. In this letter, we present two exact equivocation expressions for coset coding over the wiretap channel model with binary erasure channels (BECs) for both the main channel and the eavesdropper's channel. The expressions are functions of the algebraic structure of the binary wiretap codes, and they also hold for the special case when the main channel is noiseless.
机译:丝网码的传统安全性分析需要评估渐近在渐近在渐变中的评估,因为代码块长度往往是无穷大。然而,有限的BlockLength Codes需要确切的表达式以用于允许在不同代码结构中或在相同结构内比较参数化代码。在这封信中,我们在具有二进制擦除通道(BECS)的丝网模型上为主通道和窃听器的通道提供了两个精确的两种精确的同样表达式。表达式是二进制丝网代码结构的函数,并且当主通道无噪声时,它们也适用于特殊情况。



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