首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Communications >On the Performance of Closed-Loop Transmit Diversity with Noisy Channel Estimates and Finite-Depth Interleaved Convolutional Codes

On the Performance of Closed-Loop Transmit Diversity with Noisy Channel Estimates and Finite-Depth Interleaved Convolutional Codes


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In this paper, closed-form expressions for the uncoded bit error probability of closed-loop transmit diversity (CLTD) algorithms with two transmit and one receive antennas and noisy channel state information (CSI) in time-varying Rayleigh fading channels are derived. Two CLTD algorithms considered are the phase-amplitude CLTD (PA-CLTD), where the transmit antennas may transmit with different signal energy, and the phase-only CLTD (PO-CLTD), where the transmit antennas must transmit with the same signal energy. In addition to the uncoded bit error probability, this paper also derives the pairwise error probability when finite-depth interleaved convolutional codes are used with CLTD algorithms. However, due to the complexity of the coded system, the pairwise error probabilities are not in the closed-form expressions. The results have shown that PA-CLTD performs slightly better than PO-CLTD although PA-CLTD requires significantly more feedback information and that, when the Doppler spread is large, the performance of CLTD algorithms may degrade significantly. Moreover, a comparison between PA-CLTD, the Alamouti space-time code and the SISO system indicates that PA-CLTD outperforms the other two systems when the Doppler spread is small and the pilot SNR is large. Finally, the analytical results are compared with results from Monte Carlo simulation and the comparison shows that the analytical results match well with the simulation results.
机译:本文推导了时变瑞利衰落信道中具有两个发射天线和一个接收天线以及噪声信道状态信息(CSI)的闭环发射分集(CLTD)算法的未编码误码率的闭式表达式。考虑的两种CLTD算法是:相位幅度CLTD(PA-CLTD),其中发射天线可以以不同的信号能量进行发射;以及仅相位CLTD(PO-CLTD),其中发射天线必须以相同的信号能量进行发射。 。除了未编码误码率,本文还推导了将有限深度交错卷积码与CLTD算法一起使用时的成对误码率。但是,由于编码系统的复杂性,成对错误概率不在闭合形式的表达式中。结果表明,尽管PA-CLTD需要更多的反馈信息,并且PA-CLTD的性能略好于PO-CLTD,并且当多普勒扩展较大时,CLTD算法的性能可能会大大降低。此外,PA-CLTD,Alamouti时空码和SISO系统之间的比较表明,当多普勒扩展小且导频SNR大时,PA-CLTD优于其他两个系统。最后,将分析结果与蒙特卡洛模拟的结果进行比较,比较结果表明分析结果与模拟结果非常吻合。



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