首页> 外文期刊>Communications, China >On reliability-optimized controller placement for Software-Defined Networks

On reliability-optimized controller placement for Software-Defined Networks


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By decoupling control plane and data plane, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) approach s i m p l i f i e s network management and speeds up network innovations. These benefits have led not only to prototypes, but also real SDN deployments. For wide-area SDN deployments, multiple controllers are often required, and the placement of these controllers becomes a particularly important task in the SDN context. This paper studies the problem of placing controllers in SDNs, so as to maximize the reliability of SDN control networks. We present a novel metric, called expected percentage of control path loss, to characterize the reliability of SDN control networks. We formulate the reliability-aware control placement problem, prove its NP-hardness, and examine several placement algorithms that can solve this problem. Through extensive simulations using real topologies, we show how the number of controllers and their placement influence the reliability of SDN control networks. Besides, we also found that, through strategic controller placement, the reliability of SDN control networks can be significantly improved without introducing unacceptable switch-to-controller latencies.



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