首页> 外文期刊>Communication research >Attention, Attitude, and Behavior: Second-Level Agenda-Setting Effects as a Mediator of Media Use and Political Participation

Attention, Attitude, and Behavior: Second-Level Agenda-Setting Effects as a Mediator of Media Use and Political Participation


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Based on news content analysis and survey data from the 2004 presidential election, this study examines the theoretical link between second-level agenda setting and various types of political participation beyond mere voting. Using the hierarchy-of-effects model, this study tested the sequence of C(cognitive)-A(affective)-B(behavior): News attention to presidential candidates creates second-level agenda-setting effects among the public (C); in turn, agenda-setting effects trigger strong attitudes toward candidates (A); and finally, strong attitudes lead to various types of political participation (B). Every direct effect in the structural model was significant. Indirect and total effects of agenda setting for political participation were all found to be significant. As hypothesized, agenda-setting effects operated as a mediator between media use and political participation.



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