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Laboratory investigation of the characteristics of SMA mixtures under freeze-thaw cycles


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In this study, the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on the characteristics of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) mixtures, containing cement 30% or lime 20%, are investigated under different freeze-thaw cycles. SMA mixtures were produced in a laboratory environment. Specimens containing different additives were prepared with different air void ratios ranging from 2.5% to 6.0% based on the calculated optimum bitumen amount. The volumetric properties, Marshall Stability (MS), flow and freeze-thaw split tensile strengths were experimentally determined for each specimen at the end of the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 15th, 20th cycles. Test results indicate that initial air void ratio plays an important role in the performance of SMA under freeze-thaw cycles; freeze-thaw resistance of SMA mixtures with lime was better than those with cement. The MS values of SMA decrease between 24.4% and 56.5%, 26.5% and 45.5% and 17.9% and 14.1% for samples without additives, samples with cement, and samples with lime after 20 freeze-thaw cycles, respectively. SMA mixtures exhibit brilliant performance on the resistance to freeze-thaw damage. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在这项研究中,研究了在不同的冻融循环下,冻融循环对包含30%水泥或20%石灰的石质沥青混合料(SMA)混合物特性的影响。 SMA混合物是在实验室环境中生产的。基于计算出的最佳沥青量,以2.5%至6.0%的不同空隙率制备包含不同添加剂的样品。在第1、3、5、8、10、15、20循环结束时,通过实验确定了每个样品的体积特性,马歇尔稳定性(MS),流动和冻融分裂抗张强度。测试结果表明,初始空气空隙率在冻融循环下对SMA的性能起着重要的作用。与石灰混合的SMA混合物的抗冻融性优于与水泥混合的SMA。经过20次冻融后,无添加剂样品,含水泥样品和含石灰样品的SMA的MS值分别降低24.4%和56.5%,26.5%和45.5%和17.9%和14.1%。 SMA混合物在抗冻融损伤方面表现出出色的性能。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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