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Three-dimensional spatial representation in freely swimming fish


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Research on spatial cognition has focused on how animals encode the horizontal component of space. However, most animals travel vertically within their environments, particularly those that fly or swim. Pelagic fish move with six degrees of freedom and must integrate these components to navigate accurately—how do they do this? Using an assay based on associative learning of the vertical and horizontal components of space within a rotating Y-maze, we found that fish (Astyanax fasciatus) learned and remembered information from both horizontal and vertical axes when they were presented either separately or as an integrated three-dimensional unit. When information from the two components conflicted, the fish used the previously learned vertical information in preference to the horizontal. This not only demonstrates that the horizontal and vertical components are stored separately in the fishes’ representation of space (simplifying the problem of 3D navigation), but also suggests that the vertical axis contains particularly salient spatial cues—presumably including hydrostatic pressure. To explore this latter possibility, we developed a physical theoretical model that shows how fish could determine their absolute depth using pressure. We next considered full volumetric spatial cognition. Astyanax were trained to swim towards a reward in a Y-maze that could be rotated, before the arms were removed during probe trials. The subjects were tracked in three dimensions as they swam freely through the surrounding cubic tank. The results revealed that fish are able to accurately encode metric information in a volume, and that the error accrued in the horizontal and vertical axes whilst swimming in probe trials was similar. Together, these experiments demonstrate that unlike in surface-bound rats, the vertical component of the representation of space is vitally important to fishes. We hypothesise that the representation of space in the brain of vertebrates could ultimately be shaped by the number of the degrees of freedom of movement that binds the navigating animal.
机译:关于空间认知的研究集中于动物如何编码空间的水平分量。但是,大多数动物都在其环境中垂直移动,特别是那些会飞或游泳的动物。远洋鱼类以六个自由度运动,必须整合这些组件才能准确地导航-它们如何做到这一点?使用基于对旋转的Y型迷宫中空间的垂直和水平分量的关联学习进行的分析,我们发现,当鱼类(Astyanax fasciatus)分别呈现或作为整体呈现时,它们会从水平和垂直轴上学习并记住信息三维单位。当来自两个组件的信息冲突时,鱼类优先使用先前学习的垂直信息,而不是水平信息。这不仅表明水平分量和垂直分量分别存储在鱼的空间表示中(简化了3D导航的问题),而且还表明垂直轴包含特别明显的空间线索-可能包括静水压力。为了探究后者的可能性,我们开发了一个物理理论模型,该模型显示了鱼类如何利用压力确定绝对深度。接下来,我们考虑完整的体积空间认知。在探伤试验中取下手臂之前,训练过Astyanax在可以旋转的Y形迷宫中游向奖励。当他们自由游过周围的立方水箱时,对他们进行了三维跟踪。结果表明,鱼类能够准确地编码一定数量的度量信息,并且在探针试验中游泳时在水平轴和垂直轴上产生的误差相似。总之,这些实验表明,与表面结合的大鼠不同,空间表示的垂直分量对鱼类至关重要。我们假设,脊椎动物大脑中空间的表示最终可能会受到束缚航行中动物的运动自由度的数量的影响。



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