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Eddy viscosity and Eulerian drift over rippled beds in waves


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This paper reports the results of an experimental study of the Eulerian drift induced by weakly asymmetrical progressive waves in the bottom boundary layer over rippled beds in the transitional flow regime. Fourteen tests were carried out in a wave flume and one test in a steady flow flume for the estimation of the Nikuradse roughness length k_s of the artificial rippled bed which was used. The fluid velocities were measured with a two-component laser-Doppler anemometer. The edge of the bottom wave boundary layer is estimated to be located at one Nikuradse roughness length above the level midway between crest and trough of the ripples. Momentum transfer in this boundary layer is dominated by organized vortices. An analytical model based on a time-varying eddy viscosity was developed by Davies and Villaret [J. Geophys. Res. 104 (C1) (1999) 1465] for the estimation of the wave-induced Eulerian drift above rippled and very rough beds in the turbulent flow regime. Present data show that the applicability of this model can be extended to the "lower" part of the transitional flow regime in the parameter ranges 1000 ≤ R ≤ 6500 and 1 ≤ a/k_s ≤ 3, where R is the flow Reynolds number and a is the orbital amplitude of fluid, if adjusted values of the model coefficients which represent the variation amplitude of the symmetrical and asymmetrical time-varying components of the eddy viscosity are used. The drift at the edge of the boundary layer is oriented in the direction of wave propagation in the transitional flow regime, while this drift is oriented in the opposite direction in the turbulent flow regime. The vertical profiles of Eulerian drift, horizontally averaged over a ripple length, are also compared with Longuet-Higgins' [Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., A 245(903) (1953) 535] solution for a laminar flow above a smooth bed and with Nielsen's [Coastal bottom boundary layers and sediment transport. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 4, World Scientific, Singapore, Chap. 1, pp. 40-60, 1992] solution involving a time-invariant eddy viscosity for turbulent flows over fairly rough beds.
机译:本文报道了在过渡流态下由波纹床底部边界层上的弱非对称渐进波引起的欧拉漂移的实验研究结果。在波浪水槽中进行了十四次测试,在稳定水槽中进行了一项测试,以估算所使用的人工波纹床的尼古拉德粗糙度长度k_s。用两分量激光多普勒风速计测量流体速度。估计底波边界层的边缘位于波纹波峰和波谷之间的中间高度以上的一个尼古拉德粗糙度长度处。在该边界层中的动量传递以有组织的旋涡为主。 Davies和Villaret提出了基于随时间变化的涡流粘度的分析模型[J.地理学。 Res。 104(C1)(1999)1465],用于估计在湍流状态下波浪引起的欧拉漂移,该波动是在波纹床和非常粗糙的床上方。当前数据表明,该模型的适用性可以扩展到过渡流动状态的“较低”部分,参数范围为1000≤R≤6500和1≤a / k_s≤3,其中R是流雷诺数,如果使用的模型系数的调整值表示涡流粘度的对称和不对称时变分量的变化幅度,则是流体的轨道幅度。边界层边缘的漂移在过渡流态中的方向是波传播的方向,而在湍流流态中的方向是相反的方向。欧拉漂移的垂直剖面,在波纹长度上水平平均,也与Longuet-Higgins的[Philos。反式R. Soc。 Lond。,一份245(903)(1953)535]解决方案,用于在光滑床上方进行层流并具有Nielsen的[沿海底部边界层和沉积物输送。海洋工程高级丛书,第1期。 4,《世界科学》,新加坡,第一章。 1,第40-60页,1992年]解决方案,该方案涉及在相当粗糙的床上湍流的随时间变化的涡流粘度。



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