首页> 外文期刊>Coastal engineering >Coastal morphodynamic responses of a mixed-energy and fine-sediment coast to different sea level rise trends

Coastal morphodynamic responses of a mixed-energy and fine-sediment coast to different sea level rise trends


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The effects of sea level rise (SLR) are relevant to the future evolution of coasts and estuaries. This study analyses the importance of different SLR trends on the morphological evolution of a mixed-energy fine-sediment coast (the Caofeidian Sea in Bohai Bay, China) using a validated numerical model. Results show that SLR produces spatially non-uniform relative morphodynamic responses, depending on the local coastline (uninterrupted or inlet-interrupted) and wave exposure. In the Caofeidian Sea, the uninterrupted coast is exposed to waves and tidal currents, and SLR reduces the accretion of tidal flats via heightening waves. On the inlet-interrupted coast, the morphological response to SLR is dominated by changes in tidal asymmetry and current velocity. In low SLR scenarios, the enhanced flood tidal asymmetry makes the system initially resilient to SLR. For high SLR scenarios, tidal sediment transport capacity is dampened by the reduction in current velocities, which accelerates the degradation of tidal flats along the inlet-interrupted coast. Differences among results with eight theoretical SLR trends show that the magnitude of SLR-induced morphological change is influenced by the target value (0.5 and 1.0 m) and rising mode (abrupt growth, linear growth, parabolic growth, and exponential growth) of the SLR. A newly-introduced parameter (equivalent SLR, E-SLR), which reflects the time-weighted average value of an SLR trend for a period of time, shows a strong linear relationship with SLR-induced morphological change. Results suggest that the morphological response to other SLR scenarios for the Caofeidian Sea is expected to be interpolated from the Es's ratios without performing extra time-consuming simulations.
机译:海平面上升(SLR)的影响与海岸和河口的未来演变有关。本研究分析了使用经过验证的数值模型的不同单反趋势对混合能细沉积物海岸(中国渤海湾渤海的Caofeidian海)的形态演变。结果表明,根据局部海岸线(不间断或入口 - 中断)和波暴露,SLR产生空间上不均匀的相对形态学响应。在Caofeian Sea中,不间断的海岸暴露于波浪和潮汐电流,并且SLR通过加强波降低潮汐平面的吸收。在入口中断的海岸上,对SLR的形态反应是潮汐不对称和当前速度的变化。在低单反场景中,增强的洪水潮汐不对称使得系统最初适用于SLR。对于高单反方案,潮汐沉积物传输容量被当前速度的减少抑制,从而加速了入口中断海岸的潮汐平面的降解。八个理论单反趋势的结果差异表明,单反诱导的形态变化的幅度受到单反相机的目标值(0.5和1.0米)和上升模式(突然生长,线性生长,抛物线生长和指数增长)的影响。新引入的参数(相当SLR,E-SLR),其反映了SLR趋势的时间加权平均值一段时间,显示了与SLR引起的形态变化的强烈线性关系。结果表明,对Caofeidian海的其他SLR情景的形态反应预计将从ES比率插值而不表现出额外的耗时的模拟。



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