首页> 外文期刊>Coastal Engineering Journal >Storm wave runups and sea level variations for the September 2017 Hurricane Maria along the coast of Dominica, eastern Caribbean sea: evidence from field surveys and sea-level data analysis

Storm wave runups and sea level variations for the September 2017 Hurricane Maria along the coast of Dominica, eastern Caribbean sea: evidence from field surveys and sea-level data analysis


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Dominica, along with several other Caribbean islands, was severely damaged by category-5 Hurricane Maria in September 2017. The hurricane left 68 people dead or missing, marking Maria as the worst natural catastrophe to hit this small island nation. Here, we report the results of our coastal runup field survey in February 2018 and of tide gauge sea-level data analysis. Analysis of tide gauge records shows that the duration of Maria's surge varied between 2.1 and 2.6 days in the Caribbean region and was 2.1 days at Marigot, Dominica. The surge amplitude was 75 cm in Marigot, which indicates that the size of the surge was small for a category-5 hurricane. The measured field survey runups were from 1.0 to 3.7 m, with the maximum runup at Scotts Head on the southern tip of Dominica. The largest measured runups were concentrated along the west coast of the southern half of the island and consistently decreased northwards. We attribute the observed damage to coastal structures to four mechanisms: surge/wave erosion; surge/wave forces/impacts; debris impacts to coastal structures involving in particular floating tree debris brought to the sea by river floods associated with Hurricane Maria; and intense coastal sedimentation, involving sediment brought to the sea by river floods. A flowchart of the hurricane-driven damage mechanisms is presented which provides the propagating sequence, or cascade, of events that contributed to damage and emphasizes the interactions between different processes in the hurricane.
机译:多米尼加以及其他几个加勒比海岛屿在2017年9月遭到5级飓风“玛丽亚”的严重破坏。飓风造成68人死亡或失踪,这标志着玛丽亚是袭击这个小岛国的最严重自然灾害。在这里,我们报告了2018年2月我们的沿海地区野外调查结果以及潮汐仪海平面数据分析的结果。潮汐仪记录分析表明,Maria的潮涌持续时间在加勒比地区为2.1天至2.6天不等,在多米尼加的Marigot为2.1天。在Marigot中,浪涌振幅为75厘米,这表明对于5类飓风,浪涌的大小较小。实测的实测径迹为1.0到3.7 m,最大径迹在多米尼加南端的斯科茨角。测得的最大径迹集中在该岛南半部的西海岸,并向北逐渐减少。我们将观察到的对沿海结构的破坏归因于四个机制:浪涌/波浪侵蚀;浪涌/波浪力/冲击;残骸对沿海结构的影响,特别是与飓风玛丽亚相关的河流洪水将浮树残骸带入海中;以及强烈的沿海沉积,包括河流洪水将沉积物带入海中。给出了飓风驱动的破坏机制的流程图,该流程图提供了造成破坏的事件的传播顺序或级联,并强调了飓风中不同过程之间的相互作用。



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