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Remembering Baseball Hall of Famers Who Served in the Chemical Corps


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It is widely known throughout the nostalgic baseball world that New York Giants pitcher Christy Mathewson, "the Big Six," suffered from chlorine gas exposure as a Chemical Corps officer during World War I and later died of tuberculosis. But did you know that other legendary baseball Hall of Fame stars such as Branch Rickey, Ty Cobb, and George Sisler also served in the Chemical Corps (known at that time as the Chemical Warfare Service [CWS]) during World War I? Branch Rickey, the president of the St. Louis Cardinals and the former University of Michigan baseball coach, obtained the rank of major in the CWS and commanded a unit that eventually included Captain Ty Cobb, Captain Christy Mathewson, and Lieutenant George Sisler. Mathewson and Rickey, at 38, were too old for military service; but Rickey was encouraged to join the CWS by Harvard's former football coach and president of the Boston Braves, Perry Haughton (who was also a member of the CWS). Through the auspices of Major Rickey, St. Louis first baseman George Sisler (a player under Rickey at the University of Michigan) was also enticed to join the CWS.
机译:在整个怀旧棒球世界中,众所周知,纽约巨人投手克里斯蒂·马修森(Christy Mathewson),“六巨头”,在第一次世界大战期间曾因暴露于氯气中而成为化学军官,后来死于肺结核。但是您是否知道,第一次世界大战期间,其他传奇的棒球名人堂明星,例如布赖恩·里基,泰·科布和乔治·西斯勒也曾在化学兵团(当时称为化学战服[CWS])工作?里奇分校是圣路易斯红雀队的主席和前密歇根大学的棒球教练,获得了CWS的专业级别,并指挥了一个由泰科布上尉,克里斯蒂·马修森上尉和乔治·西斯勒中尉组成的部队。 38岁的Mathewson和Rickey年龄太大,无法服兵役。但哈佛大学前橄榄球教练兼波士顿勇敢队总裁佩里·霍顿(Perry Haughton,他也是标准委员会的成员)鼓励里基加入标准委员会。在米基·里奇少校的主持下,圣路易斯第一垒手乔治·西斯勒(密西根大学里基的球员)也被诱使加入了CWS。



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