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Combined interplay of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and the interdecadal Pacific oscillation on rainfall and its extremes over Indian subcontinent


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This study provides a pertinent ground for acquiring deeper insight about the low-frequency variability of precipitation and its extremes over India and its homogeneous monsoon regions under the combined interplay of both the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO) and the interdecadal Pacific oscillation (IPO). The percent of variance in the total/heavy rainfall on decadal-to-multidecadal timescales that can be attributed to these oceanic indices is 88.3/76.7 % for west central and 84.4/72.6 % for northeast regions, which implies that the recent changes in rainfall and it extremes over respective regions is mainly caused by internal natural variability. The opposite phases of AMO and IPO together modulates the total/moderate rainfall over west central and northeast regions in an asymmetric manner; whereas their warm phase stimulates the heavy rainfall over west central region, while their opposite phases together influences the precipitation extremes over northeast region. Based on the projected conditions of these oceanic indices the outlook for west centralortheast regions is fairly good/bad and these regions will experience above-/below-normal precipitation in the upcoming decade or two. The rainfall over northwest region is mainly influenced by the IPO and this region will also likely to receive above-normal precipitation in the upcoming decade or so due to the present cold phase of IPO. Wind circulation pattern divulges that during the warm phase of AMO the southwesterlies over Indian region are strengthened by the equatorial Atlantic winds coming through the equatorial Africa, while in the cold phase of IPO it gets strengthen by the easterlies from the equatorial Pacific.
机译:这项研究为深入了解印度洋及其同质季风区的降水的低频变化及其极端情况提供了相关的依据,这些变化是在大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)和年代际太平洋振荡(IPO)的共同作用下进行的。可以归因于这些海洋指数的年代际到十年际尺度上,总/大雨量的方差百分比是西部中部为88.3 / 76.7%,东北部地区为84.4 / 72.6%,这意味着近期降雨的变化各个区域的极端情况主要是由内部自然变化引起的。 AMO和IPO的相反阶段共同以非对称方式调节西部中部和东北地区的总/中等降雨量;它们的温暖期刺激了西部中部地区的强降雨,而它们的相反时期共同影响了东北部地区的极端降水。根据这些海洋指数的预测条件,中西部/东北部地区的前景相当好/不好,并且这些地区在未来的一两年内将经历高于/低于正常水平的降水。西北地区的降雨主要受到IPO的影响,并且由于当前IPO处于寒冷期,该地区在未来十年左右也可能会收到高于正常水平的降雨。风的循环模式表明,在AMO的暖期,穿过赤道非洲的赤道大西洋风增强了印度地区的西南风,而在IPO的冷期,赤道太平洋的东风增强了印度洋西南风。



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