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Interactions of bentonite with metal and concrete from the FEBEX experiment: mineralogical and geochemical investigations of selected sampling sites


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The FEBEX experiment, a full-scale, high-level radioactive waste repository test, ran for similar to 18 years and hence is the longest-running disposal test to date. The test consisted of a heater emplaced in an envelope of compacted bentonite at the Grimsel test site, Switzerland. The water content of the bentonite was somewhat lower near the heater and increased towards the granite. This phenomenon probably led to gradients in the exchangeable cation population at various locations within the bentonite buffer. The cement (shotcrete) bentonite interface of one block was characterized by a thin (0.1-1.0 mm) reaction zone in which bentonite constituents, carbonates and sulfates occurred. Cation exchange and a slight decrease of the cation exchange capacity were observed near the heater. Oxic corrosion was observed predominantly at the bentonite/steel liner interfaces, pointing towards a role of air entrapped between the liner and heater during emplacement. At the liner surface, intimate intergrowth of bentonite constituents, metal and corrosion products was observed. At the face of the heater, the bentonite blocks were in direct contact with the heater surface without any signs of metal corrosion. Instead, a significant increase in the Mg content was recorded, which is in agreement with previous large-scale disposal tests. The FEBEX experiment proved that the Mg increase and corrosion were independent processes. The increase in Mg may be explained by the formation of trioctahedral domains or the precipitation of neoformed silicates. For the first time, however, brucite was identified as an additional phase that formed at the metal/bentonite interface, pointing towards a special role for Mg mobility in the bentonite barrier.
机译:FEBEX实验是一项全面的高水平放射性废物处置库测试,运行了大约18年,因此是迄今为止运行时间最长的处置测试。该测试由在瑞士格里姆瑟尔测试场的密实膨润土外壳中放置的加热器组成。膨润土的水含量在加热器附近略低,而向花岗岩逐渐增加。这种现象可能导致膨润土缓冲液中各个位置处的可交换阳离子总数出现梯度。一个区块的水泥(喷射混凝土)膨润土界面的特点是反应区很薄(0.1-1.0 mm),其中发生了膨润土成分,碳酸盐和硫酸盐。在加热器附近观察到阳离子交换和阳离子交换容量的轻微降低。主要在膨润土/钢衬里的界面处观察到氧腐蚀,这表明在放置过程中衬里和加热器之间夹带了空气。在衬里表面,观察到膨润土成分,金属和腐蚀产物的紧密共生。在加热器的表面,膨润土块与加热器表面直接接触,没有任何金属腐蚀的迹象。相反,记录到镁含量显着增加,这与以前的大规模处置测试一致。 FEBEX实验证明,镁的增加和腐蚀是独立的过程。 Mg的增加可以通过三八面体域的形成或新形成的硅酸盐的沉淀来解释。然而,首次将水镁石鉴定为在金属/膨润土界面形成的附加相,这表明镁在膨润土屏障中的迁移具有特殊作用。



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