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The limits of iconoclasm The fate of tsarist monuments in revolutionary Moscow and Petrograd, 1917-1918


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Urban fallism in early revolutionary Russia was a political and aesthetic struggle rooted in imperial Russian civic culture. Few tsarist monuments were taken down in Moscow and Petrograd in 1917 and 1918 despite the violence of the social revolution and near universal hatred for the old regime. This selective iconoclasm occurred because the criteria for removal of statues in those cities reflected the aesthetic agenda of artists, critics, and campaigners from late imperial Russia who convinced Bolshevik politicians to accept their authority in art matters. After the February Revolution in 1917, public proposals for the large-scale dismantling of tsarist monuments received pushback from art professionals who argued that monuments should be protected according to their artistic value, not destroyed for their political representations. The Bolsheviks who took over in October 1917 deferred to such art experts on issues regarding monument demolition. The most recent monuments associated with official narratives and realist aesthetics of the deposed Nicholas II were removed, whilst others were protected as aesthetically desirable. Preservationists thus successfully changed the definition of political art from narrative content to aesthetic form and preserved some statues that political revolutionaries wanted to destroy. Today the Putin government seeks to protect Lenin monuments through a similar depoliticisation of revolutionary content inside a framework of historic preservation.
机译:早期革命性的城市谬误是一个政治和审美斗争,根植于帝国俄罗斯公民文化。尽管社会革命和近乎旧政权的普遍仇恨附近,但在1917年和1918年在莫斯科和佩罗格拉德被占据了莫斯科和彼得士纪念碑。这种选择性的图标发生,因为这些城市中雕像的标准反映了来自俄罗斯晚安俄罗斯的艺术家,批评者和竞选人员的审美议程,他们劝告Bolshevik政治家接受他们在艺术事项中的权威。在1917年2月革命之后,公共提案对沙皇纪念碑的大规模拆除,收到了艺术专业人士的推动,这些专业人士认为纪念碑应根据他们的艺术价值保护,而不是因其政治陈述而被摧毁。 1917年10月接管的Bolsheviks延迟了关于纪念碑拆迁问题的艺术专家。与官方叙事和矿物学的最新纪念碑相关联,除了尼古拉斯II的官方,其他纪念碑被删除,而其他纪念品则被视为美学上可取的。因此,保存者成功地将政治技术的定义从叙事内容变为审美形式,并保留了一些政治革命者想要摧毁的雕像。今天,普京政府旨在通过类似的历史保存框架内的革命内容类似的代表纪念碑来保护列宁古迹。



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