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Jingdezhen: The millennium porcelain capital


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Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital of China, is located in the northeastern part of Jiangxi Province. This paper summarizes the historical development of Jingdezhen, dating back to the Han Dynasty-when pottery production first began in this city. It is worth mentioning that Jingdezhen has gradually become the world's porcelain manufacturing center, especially since the North Song Dynasty. The urban land increased greatly after the liberation in 1949, and the urban population had approximately 69.95% of the total population as of 2017. The market share of porcelain production in Jingdezhen has been threatened and divided by other cities. Additionally, the resources depletion in Jingdezhen makes the development of porcelain manufacturing face a bottleneck. Therefore, Jingdezhen exploits the advantages from its the abundant porcelain culture to promote industrial transformation and upgrading. Furthermore, in the future, Jingdezhen should vigorously develop itself based on "big porcelain", incorporating tourism, culture, porcelain, and aviation manufacturing as entities to accelerate the development of its modern transition economy.
机译:瓷都中国景德镇位于江西省东北部。本文总结了景德镇的历史发展,其历史可追溯至汉代,当时汉城开始生产陶器。值得一提的是,景德镇已逐渐成为世界瓷器制造中心,尤其是自北宋以来。 1949年解放后,城市土地大大增加,截至2017年,城市人口约占总人口的69.95%。景德镇瓷器生产的市场份额已受到其他城市的威胁和划分。另外,景德镇的资源枯竭使瓷器制造业的发展面临瓶颈。因此,景德镇充分利用其丰富的瓷器文化优势,促进产业转型升级。此外,未来,景德镇应该大力发展以“大瓷器”为基础的产业,将旅游,文化,瓷器和航空制造业作为实体,以加快其现代转型经济的发展。



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