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Flex Circuitry Versus Wiring Harnesses


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How much more reliable are flexes over wiring harnesses? I've heard 75 percent thrown about, but I can't find the data to support it. While there is little doubt that flex circuitry is generally more reliable than wiring harnesses, it is difficult to quantify. It really depends on several different factors that are application specific, such as the complexity of the wiring, form and fit requirements, and shock and vibration the wiring will experience in service. Complexity: Flex has a definite advantage in this category when compared to a similar wiring harness. Because every feature on a flex circuit is defined by CAD data, each and every one is exactly the same (i.e., never a wiring error). Also, on a complex wiring harness, there is always the possibility that a single wire in a bundle may be slightly shorter than the others, causing a stress concentration point where it is attached to the connector. This stress concentration point may result in a broken connection if the harness is subjected to shock or vibration. For simple wiring harnesses (less than a dozen or so connections), the flex advantage is not as great.



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