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Wireless Network Analysis Sniff Around a ZigBee PAN with ZENA

机译:使用ZENA对ZigBee PAN进行无线网络分析

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Need to check in on a wireless network? Fred explains how to analyze a ZigBee network with a ZENA wireless network analyzer. The hardware and software simplify everything. When it comes to doing things Ethernet, my most coveted tool is my Network General Sniffer Portable application suite. I used the Sniffer to develop all of my wired and wireless microcontroller Ethernet designs. If you've had the opportunity to check out my books, Implementing 802.11 with Microcontrollers and Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers, then you've seen the 802.11b and 802.3 specifications laid out bit by bit within wireless Sniffer captures.
机译:需要在无线网络上签入吗? Fred解释了如何使用ZENA无线网络分析仪来分析ZigBee网络。硬件和软件简化了一切。当涉及到以太网事务时,我最渴望得到的工具是Network General Sniffer Portable应用程序套件。我使用Sniffer开发了所有有线和无线微控制器以太网设计。如果您有机会检阅我的书,《用微控制器实现802.11以及通过微控制器进行网络连接和互联》,那么您已经看到802.11b和802.3规范在无线嗅探器捕获中逐一列出。



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