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Edinburgh Filmhouse team judged 'best of the year'


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"It is the first time that the award has gone out of the country" said BKSTS Patron Sir Sydney Samuelson, perhaps somewhat chauvinistically, as he presented the Dolby Sponsored 'Projection Team of the Year Award' to Andy Forrest, Chief Projectionist, and his team from the Edinburgh Filmhouse. The Dolby contingent were delayed en route due to problems with the railways, which gave Sir Sydney plenty of time to 'fill in' any awkward silences that might have otherwise occurred (not very likely at the CTC Party, is it?) by telling us tales of projection booths that have long disappeared, and the audience cheered loudly when he mentioned that earlier in December 2005 he had celebrated his 80th birthday, making him five years older than the BKSTS.
机译:BKSTS赞助人悉尼·萨缪尔森爵士说:“这是该奖项第一次离开该国。”他向杜比赞助的首席投影师安迪·福雷斯特(Andy Forrest)颁发了杜比赞助的“年度最佳投影团队奖”。爱丁堡电影制片厂的团队。由于铁路问题,杜比特遣队在途中被推迟,这使悉尼爵士有足够的时间通过告诉我们“填补”否则可能发生的任何尴尬的沉默(在CTC派对上不太可能发生)?关于投影棚的故事早已不复存在,当他提到他在2005年12月初庆祝自己的80岁生日时,观众大声欢呼,使他比BKSTS大5岁。



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