首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Shepherds of the Lord: Priests and Episcopal Statutes in the Carolingian Period. By Carine van Rhijn. Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 6. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007. viii + 246 pp. $87.00.

Shepherds of the Lord: Priests and Episcopal Statutes in the Carolingian Period. By Carine van Rhijn. Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 6. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007. viii + 246 pp. $87.00.

机译:耶和华的牧者:加洛林时期的牧师和主教法令。 Carine van Rhijn着。上古晚期和中世纪的文化遭遇6. Turnhout:Brepols,2007年。viii + 246页。$ 87.00。

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Nearly three dozen documents were issued between the end of the eighthncentury and the beginning of the tenth to which the name “EpiscopalnStatutes” has been applied. Although much of this material has been knownnfor a long time, its proper study has only recently become possible with thenpublication of the Capitula (or Statuta) episcoporum by the MonumentanGermaniae Historica in four volumes between 1984 and 2005. Van Rhijn’s isnthe first book to tackle this material and to try to make sense of it as andistinct corpus. She notes that Capitula episcoporum is not a coherent genrenbecause the various capitula differ significantly among themselves andnbecause the capitula bear close similarities to the acts of church councils andnalso to the capitularies of the Frankish kings. The items in the MGH editionnhave two things in common: they were all written by bishops, and they arenprimarily addressed to priests.
机译:在八十年代末至第十世纪初之间发布了近三打文件,并使用了“ EpiscopalnStatutes”这个名称。尽管许多材料早已为人所知,但直到1984年至2005年间,MonumentanGermaniae Historica在四卷本中出版了Capitula(或Statuta)墓碑后,才有可能对其进行适当的研究。物质,并试图使它成为与众不同的语料库。她指出,Capitula episcoporum并不是一种连贯的风格,因为各种capitula之间存在显着差异,并且因为capitula与教堂理事会的行为以及法兰克国王的capitularies有相似之处。 MGH版本中的项目有两个共同点:它们都是由主教编写的,它们主要是给牧师使用的。



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