首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Keeping the Faith, Discerning the Divine: Terms and Conditions in New Research on Christianity and Healing in North America Faith in the Great Physician: Suffering and Divine Healing in American Culture, 1860–1900

Keeping the Faith, Discerning the Divine: Terms and Conditions in New Research on Christianity and Healing in North America Faith in the Great Physician: Suffering and Divine Healing in American Culture, 1860–1900


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Approaching the subject of Christianity and healing in North America is anfraught task for the scholar of religion. In a historical context so profoundlynshaped by biomedical models of human physiology, on what grounds, besidesnmaterialist reduction, can scholars account for the claims of those who arguenthat God heals? One measure of this quandary is the shifting terminologynused to describe the phenomenon itself—from faith cure, to faith healing, tondivine healing. Giving different emphasis to the “faith” of the distressed ornthe interventions of the “divine,” faith healing and divine healing arencategories that, when employed by scholars, themselves indicate a host ofnimplied methodological and theoretical concerns. Keeping in mind that thisnis not terminology of fixed precision, one could hazard the claim thatn“faith healing” is a largely etic category used by outsiders to imbue spiritualnhealing with a hint of quackery. By contrast, “divine healing” is an emicncategory preferred by practitioners, and scholars, who want to take claims ofnhealing by spiritual means seriously. (In some uses, the divine healingnmovement can also delineate a particular late nineteenth-century precursornto pentecostalism.) Whether in the specter of charlatanism or of thenHoly Ghost, the terminology of modern Christian healing is haunted bynconvictions about the limits of what is possible when repairing the body in anbiomedical age.
机译:对宗教学者而言,在北美地区接近基督教和康复问题是艰巨的任务。在人类生理学的生物医学模型如此深刻地塑造的历史背景下,除了非物质主义的减少之外,学者还能根据什么理由来论证那些主张神能治愈的人的主张?解决这一难题的一种方法是使用术语转移来描述现象本身,即从信仰治疗到信仰治疗,再到神仙治疗。对“苦难”的“信仰”给予不同的重视,“神”的干预,信仰治愈和神的治愈都是学者,当被学者采用时,它们本身就暗示了许多隐含的方法论和理论关注。请记住,这不是固定精度的术语,这可能会威胁到“信仰治愈”是一种局限性的说法,被局外人用来使精神疗法带有一点点夸克。相比之下,“神的医治”是想要认真对待通过精神手段治愈的主张的从业者和学者所青睐的酋长国。 (在某些用途中,神圣的康复运动也可以描绘出19世纪后期的五旬节教义的特定前体。)无论是在la窃主义还是当时的圣灵幽灵中,现代基督教康复的术语都被人们对修复时可能的局限性的信念所困扰。在生物医学时代的身体。



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