首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Reading Jonathan Edwards: An Annotated Bibliography in Three Parts, 1729–2005. By M. X. Lesser. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008. xii + 693 pp. $145.00 cloth.

Reading Jonathan Edwards: An Annotated Bibliography in Three Parts, 1729–2005. By M. X. Lesser. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008. xii + 693 pp. $145.00 cloth.

机译:读乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards):三部分带注释的书目,1729–2005年。由M. X. Lesser。密歇根州大急流城:Eerdmans,2008年。xii + 693页。$ 145.00布。

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This huge volume reprints the two previous bibliographies by the compiler, andoyen of Edwards scholarship, that cover the years down to 1978 and downnto 1993, inserting previous omissions and adding an entirely new section dealing with titles down to 2005. It contains publications that reproduce,ndiscuss, or even allude to Jonathan Edwards and is far more than a list, sinceneach entry contains a summary of content, always accurate and oftennperceptive. The introductions to the three sections are urbane and fair-nminded. The latest introduction registers an intriguing change in the naturenof the output, characterizing it as “increasingly evangelical and, regrettably,npartisan” (456). More than half of the content of the third bibliographynderives from the 2003 tercentennial. Intriguingly, the first volume of the Yalenedition of Edwards’s Works, published in 1957, appears on 211, so thatnnearly two-thirds of the content relates to items that have appeared since thatndate (though it has to be said that the volume of the summaries tends tonincrease over time). The indexes of authors and titles and of subjects will beninvaluable for the researcher trying to track down elusive commentary.nAltogether this work will be essential for any future work on Edwards.
机译:这本巨著重印了编者兼爱德华兹奖学金的前两本参考书目,涵盖了1978年至1993年之间的年份,插入了以前的遗漏,并增加了一个全新的章节以处理直到2005年的书名。其中包含一些出版物,其中包括:讨论,甚至暗示乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards),而且不仅仅只是一个清单,因为每个条目都包含内容的摘要,始终是准确的,并且常常具有感知力。这三个部分的介绍是都市性的和公平的。最新的介绍对输出的性质进行了一次有趣的更改,将其表征为“日益传福音,令人遗憾的是,党派”(456)。第三版参考书目内容的一半以上来自2003年的百年纪念。有趣的是,1957年出版的《爱德华兹著作的耶连德的第一卷》出现在211页,因此,近三分之二的内容与该日期之后出现的项目有关(尽管必须说摘要的数量往往是随时间增加)。对于试图追踪难以捉摸的评论的研究人员而言,作者,标题和主题的索引将无价之宝。对于所有以后在Edwards上进行的研究而言,这项工作都是必不可少的。



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