首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >God Speaks to Us, Too: Southern Baptist Women on Church, Home, and Society. By Susan M. Shaw. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2008. xiv + 301 pp. $40.00 cloth.

God Speaks to Us, Too: Southern Baptist Women on Church, Home, and Society. By Susan M. Shaw. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2008. xiv + 301 pp. $40.00 cloth.

机译:上帝也对我们说话:南方浸信会妇女在教堂,家庭和社会上的讲话。 Susan M. Shaw着。列克星敦:肯塔基大学出版社,2008年。xiv + 301页,每版$ 40.00。

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Susan Shaw was “raised right.” As a southern “lady,” she crossed her legs, properlynaddressed elders, dressed up for church, and dutifully memorized a weekly Biblenverse. Shaw grew up in Georgia in the 1960s and 1970s, and her identity wasninextricably linked to her southern culture and religion as a Southern Baptist.nFrom the time she was a young girl through college, for Shaw life outside ofnhome and school meant church on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, andnWednesday nights, not to mention a few social outings, prayer circles,nvisitations, missionary speakers, and choir tours sprinkled throughout the week.nShaw maintained her link with Southern Baptist culture and went to SouthernnSeminary in Louisville, Kentucky, for graduate work. After eight years ofnteaching at Baptist colleges and finding a church home in another denomination,nShaw is now a professor of women’s studies at Oregon State University. In GodnSpeaks to Us, Too, she blends memoir, interviews, and history to explore thenideological and pragmatic contradictions of women in Baptist life.
机译:苏珊·肖(Susan Shaw)被“提高了”。作为一个南部的“女士”,她盘腿,妥善称呼长者,为教堂打扮,并忠实地背诵每周一次的圣经经文。萧伯纳(Shaw)在1960年代和1970年代在乔治亚州长大,她的身份与南部浸信会的南部文化和宗教有着不可分割的联系。n从小女孩到大学就读,因为邵氏(Shaw)在nhome和学校以外的生活意味着星期天早晨有教堂,周日晚上和周三晚上,更不用说几周的社交活动,祈祷圈,参观,宣教士和合唱团巡回演出。nShaw保持了她与南部浸信会文化的联系,并去了肯塔基州路易斯维尔市的Southernn中学求学。工作。在八年的浸信会大学教书并在另一个教派中找到一个教堂之后,nShaw现在是俄勒冈州立大学的妇女研究教授。她在《上帝与我们交谈》中也结合了回忆录,访谈和历史,探讨了浸信会妇女在思想上和实用上的矛盾。



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