首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Picturing the Celestial City: The Medieval Stained Glass of Beauvais Cathedral. By Michael Cothren. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2006. xiv + 280 pp. $95.00 cloth.

Picturing the Celestial City: The Medieval Stained Glass of Beauvais Cathedral. By Michael Cothren. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2006. xiv + 280 pp. $95.00 cloth.

机译:描绘神圣的城市:博韦大教堂的中世纪彩色玻璃。迈克尔·科特伦(Michael Cothren)。新泽西州普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社,2006年。xiv + 280页。$ 95.00布。

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As Michael Cothren writes in Picturing the Celestial City, the stained glass ofnBeauvais Cathedral, unlike its architecture, has been dismissed as fragmentarynand second rate, and consequently neglected. His book corrects thesenmisconceptions through an exemplary and careful study of what he calls thenfour campaigns of glass painting during the thirteenth, fourteenth, and early fifteenth centuries. But his book goes far beyond its purported subject ofnbringing into prominence a previously undervalued treasure by meticulouslynexamining the glazing program from many different points of view. As such,nit is a model of methodology and suggests that a comprehensive, specific,nand detailed treatment of one monument can be adapted not only to othernglazing studies but to other projects in diverse media.
机译:正如迈克尔·科特伦(Michael Cothren)在《天体之城的图画》中所写的那样,博韦大教堂的彩色玻璃与其建筑不同,被认为是零碎的二流,因此被忽视了。他的书通过对13世纪,14世纪和15世纪初的四个玻璃绘画运动进行了示例性和仔细的研究,纠正了人们的观念错误。但是他的书远远超出了它所声称的主题,即从许多不同的角度认真地对玻璃制品程序进行细化处理,从而使以前被低估的宝藏变得突出。因此,尼特是方法论的模型,并建议对一个纪念碑的全面,具体,详细的处理不仅可以适用于其他釉面研究,还可以适用于多种媒体中的其他项目。



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