首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >The Rome of Pascal I: Papal Power, Urban Renovation, Church Building, and Relic Translation, 817–824. By Caroline J. Goodson. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, Fourth Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. xxi + 385 pp. $99.00 cloth.

The Rome of Pascal I: Papal Power, Urban Renovation, Church Building, and Relic Translation, 817–824. By Caroline J. Goodson. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, Fourth Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. xxi + 385 pp. $99.00 cloth.

机译:帕斯卡罗马一世:教皇权力,城市改造,教堂建筑和文物翻译,817–824。卡罗琳·J·古德森(Caroline J.Goodson)剑桥中世纪生活与思想研究,第四辑。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2010年。xxi+ 385页。$ 99.00布。

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The Rome of Pascal I argues that Pascal deployed church construction and relicntranslation to assert papal authority. Minor copyediting mistakes (for example,n55n46 points to 134–35 for a discussion of the stational liturgy but should ben136–37) and the frequent use of the word “power” appended to some noun (fornexample, “medieval power politics” p. 3) only distract slightly from this work’snparticular strength—its examination of the material evidence of early medievalnRome. In addition to numerous archaeological illustrations, Goodson deftlynhandles an array of early modern antiquarian texts as aids to reconstructnPascal’s ninth-century building projects, which in turn allows the author tonargue that the pope drew on a variety of architectural traditions to build his churches in distinction to those who see only a Carolingian “revival” of purelynConstantinian architecture.
机译:帕斯卡罗马一世认为,帕斯卡部署了教堂建设和宗教翻译来维护教皇的权威。轻微的文案编辑错误(例如,n55n46指向134-35讨论固定礼仪,但应为ben136-37),并且在某些名词后面频繁使用“权力”一词(例如,“中世纪权力政治” p)。 3)仅略微分散了这项工作的特殊强度-检查早期中世纪罗马的物质证据。除了众多考古插图外,古德森还巧妙地处理了一系列早期的现代文物,以帮助重建帕斯卡(Pascal)的九世纪建筑项目,这反过来又使作者断言教皇利用各种建筑传统来建造自己的教堂,以区别于那些只看到加洛林式的康斯坦丁式建筑“复兴”的人。



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