首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >The Spirit of the Law: Religious Voices and the Constitution in Modern America. By Sarah Barringer Gordon. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010. x + 316 pp. $29.95 cloth.

The Spirit of the Law: Religious Voices and the Constitution in Modern America. By Sarah Barringer Gordon. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010. x + 316 pp. $29.95 cloth.

机译:法律精神:现代美国的宗教呼声和宪法。莎拉·巴林格(Sarah Barringer Gordon)。马萨诸塞州剑桥市:哈佛大学出版社Belknap出版社,2010年。x+ 316页,每本$ 29.95布。

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Sarah Barringer Gordon is a wonderful storyteller. In this book, she offers anhistory of law and religion in the twentieth-century United States from then“ground up,” organized around five elegantly constructed stories, full of richnand illuminating detail. Her narrative hinges on a crucial distinction betweenntechnical and popular constitutionalism. Her main characters are notnSupreme Court justices and their often contradictory (and much maligned)ndecisions, but instead a remarkably diverse array of religious actors whondeployed their own understandings of constitutional meaning and ofnreligious freedom to remodel the legal landscape. Through this work,nGordon aims to bring together the narratives of U.S. legal and religiousnhistory, demonstrating persuasively how law and religion have shaped eachnother in often surprising and unexpected ways. Her compelling narrativenmakes it difficult to maintain that law and religion have ever been separatenin the United States.
机译:莎拉·巴林格(Sarah Barringer Gordon)是一位出色的讲故事的人。在这本书中,她提供了从那时开始的二十世纪美国的法律和宗教史,围绕着五个优雅构造的故事进行了组织,这些故事充满了丰富而富有启发性的细节。她的叙述取决于技术宪政和大众宪政之间的关键区别。她的主要角色不是最高法院的大法官及其经常相互矛盾(且极为不利)的决定,而是各种各样的宗教演员,他们运用自己对宪法意义和非宗教自由的理解来重塑法律环境。通过这项工作,nGordon的目标是将美国法律和宗教史的叙述结合在一起,以有说服力的方式展示法律和宗教如何以令人惊讶的和出乎意料的方式相互影响。她引人入胜的叙述使得很难维持法律和宗教在美国曾经分开。



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