首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Predestination: The American Career of a Contentious Doctrine. By Peter J. Thuesen. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. xiv + 309 pp. $29.95 cloth.

Predestination: The American Career of a Contentious Doctrine. By Peter J. Thuesen. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. xiv + 309 pp. $29.95 cloth.

机译:预定目标:美国有争议原则的职业。彼得·J·图森(Peter J.纽约:牛津大学出版社,2009年。xiv + 309页,每本29.95美元。

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Theology still matters in American religious history, and I cannot think of anbook that makes that case more effectively than Peter Thuesen’s subtle,nlearned account of predestination’s fate (pun intended) in American history.nThuesen elucidates the significance of the question of predestination, which,nas he notes, touches directly on the enduring question of what happens whennwe die. If there is a heaven, how does one get there? Normally, in Protestantntheology, opinions on soteriology have polarized between free will andnpredestination, or the relative weight of human choice and God’s sovereigntynin sinners receiving grace and eternal bliss. But Thuesen, in his most originalncontribution, argues that the real debate in the broader Christian traditionn(broader, that is, than just Protestantism) is between predestination andnsacramentalism, or the contrast between the “utter transcendence” of God and the “efficacy of priestly sacrifice” in salvation (6–7). This debate carriednout not just between Protestants and Catholics, but between ReformednChristians such as Jonathan Edwards and the congregants who booted himnout of Northampton for restricting access to the Lord’s Supper.
机译:神学在美国宗教史上仍然很重要,我想不出一本书能比彼得·图森(Peter Thuesen)对美国历史上关于命运的微妙的,无所作为的解释更为有效。nThuesen阐明了命运问题的重要性,他指出,纳斯直接提到了我们死后会发生什么的持久问题。如果有天堂,那怎么到那里呢?通常,在新教神学中,关于社会学的观点在自由意志和预定观念(即人类选择的相对分量和上帝的主权罪人得到恩典和永恒的幸福)之间两极化。但是图森(Thuesen)在其最原始的贡献中指出,更广泛的基督教传统(更广泛的是,不仅仅是新教)的真正争论是在预定论与圣礼论之间,或者是上帝的“完全超越”与“神职人员的效能”之间的对比。牺牲”(6-7节)。这场辩论不仅在新教徒和天主教徒之间进行,而且在乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards)等改革宗基督徒与因限制进入圣餐而使他离开北安普敦的同amp之间进行。



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