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The main-channel restoration objective and the relevant flow regime required for the lower Yellow River


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The main-channel of the lower Yellow River is the main path of water and sediment transportation. In this paper, we put forth a suggestion that the bank-full discharge of the main-channel in the lower Yellow River should be no less than 4000 m~3/s, which is based on the demand from effective sediment transportation (or riverbed scouring), the demand of flood control on morphology of the cross section of the main-channel, and the possible riverbed-forming force of future flood. The forming of the main-channel is the process for the flood force to overcome the resistance from the riverbed. The forming of the main-channel configuration comes from the competition between riverbed-forming force of flood and resistance from the riverbed. Regarding the flood with medium or less sediment content and without floodplain inundated, the main-channel forming mechanism can be simplified as the relationship between the change of cross section area and W~αQ~β. For forming same main-channel, the needed flood force W~(0.32)Q~(0.37) is definite, i.e., when the discharge is large, the flood volume can be smaller; if some flood is able to scour the main-channel, its force W~(0.32)Q~(0.37) should be larger than 41. Not all floods that inundate floodplain have the function of silting in floodplain and scouring main-channel. Regarding flood with medium or less sediment content, only when the flood discharge is over 1.5 times of the relevant bankfull discharge, obvious scouring effect can occur in the main-channel.
机译:黄河下游的主要渠道是水沙输送的主要路径。本文根据有效输沙(或河床)的需求,提出黄河下游主干道全流量应不小于4000 m〜3 / s。冲刷),防洪对主河道断面形态的需求以及未来洪水的潜在河床形成力。主河道的形成是洪水力克服河床阻力的过程。主河道形态的形成来自洪水的河床形成力与河床阻力之间的竞争。对于含沙量不多,无洪泛区泛滥的洪水,可以将主流道形成机理简化为横截面积变化与W〜αQ〜β的关系。为了形成相同的主通道,所需的洪水力W〜(0.32)Q〜(0.37)是确定的,即,当流量大时,洪水量可以较小;如果有洪水能够冲刷主干道,其力W〜(0.32)Q〜(0.37)应该大于41。并非所有淹没洪泛区的洪水都具有在洪泛区淤积和冲刷主干道的功能。对于含沙量中等或以下的洪水,只有当洪水流量超过相关堤岸流量的1.5倍时,主河道才会产生明显的冲刷作用。



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