首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology >Photosynthetic responses of thalli and isolated protoplasts of Bryopsis hypnoides (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) during dehydration

Photosynthetic responses of thalli and isolated protoplasts of Bryopsis hypnoides (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) during dehydration


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Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux is a unique intertidal siphonous green alga whose extruded protoplasm can aggregate spontaneously in seawater to form numerous new cells that can develop into mature algal thalli. In this study, the photosynthetic responses during dehydration of both the thalli and protoplasts isolated from B. hypnoides were measured using a Dual-PAM (pulse amplitude modulation)-100 fluorometer. The results show that the photosynthetic rates of B. hypnoides thalli were maintained for an initial period, beyond which continued desiccation resulted in reduced rates of PSI and PSII. However, the photosynthetic performances of the isolated protoplasts dehydrated in air (CO2 concentration 600–700 mg/L) showed a slight increase of Y(II) at 20% water loss, but the rates decreased thereafter with declining water content. When protoplasts were dehydrated in CO2 deficient conditions (CO2 concentration 40–80 mg/L), the values of Y(II) declined steadily with increased dehydration without an initial rise. These results indicated that the thalli and isolated protoplasts of this alga can utilize CO2 in ambient air effectively, and the photosynthetic performances of the isolated protoplasts were significantly different from that of the thalli during dehydration. Thus the protoplasts may be an excellent system for the study of stress tolerance.
机译:蓝藻(Bryopsis hypnoides)Lamouroux是一种独特的潮间虹吸绿藻,其原生质可以在海水中自发聚集,形成许多新细胞,可以发育为成熟的藻藻。在这项研究中,使用Dual-PAM(脉冲幅度调制)-100荧光计测量了从催眠芽孢杆菌分离的拟南芥和原生质体在脱水过程中的光合作用响应。结果表明,B。hypnoides thalli的光合速率在初始阶段得以维持,超过此时间后持续干燥导致PSI和PSII速率降低。然而,分离出的原生质体在空气中脱水的光合作用性能(CO2 浓度为600–700 mg / L)在失水量为20%时显示出Y(II)的轻微增加,但随后随着水含量的降低而降低。当原生质体在CO2缺乏的条件下脱水(CO2浓度为40-80 mg / L)时,Y(II)的值随着脱水的增加而稳定下降,而没有最初的上升。这些结果表明,该藻的拟南芥和分离的原生质体可以有效利用环境空气中的CO 2,并且在脱水过程中分离的原生质体的光合作用性能与拟南芥明显不同。因此,原生质体可能是研究压力耐受性的优秀系统。



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