首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Jouranl of Integrative Medicine >Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Intervening Vascular Remodeling after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty

Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Intervening Vascular Remodeling after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty


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Interventional therapy of coronary heart disease (CHD) includes percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) , stent implantation etc. Owing to its revascularization without cardiac surgery, it has been the main effective method in treating CHD. But at the same time, there exists the problem of restenosis (RS). After PTCA, RS rate can reach 30% to 50%, even, with direct stenting into the vessels, it still reaches 20% to 35%. So this affects long-term effect of interven-tional therapy, which directly relates to prognosis of patients with CHD and has been a hot spot of study in the field of preventing and treating CHD.
机译:冠心病(CHD)的介入治疗包括经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术(PTCA),支架植入等。由于无需心脏手术就可以进行血管重建术,因此它已成为治疗CHD的主要有效方法。但是同时,存在再狭窄(RS)的问题。 PTCA后,RS率可达到30%至50%,即使直接在血管内置入支架,RS率仍可达到20%至35%。因此,这影响了介入治疗的长期效果,其直接关系到冠心病患者的预后,一直是冠心病防治领域的研究热点。



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