首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering >Evolution of single-phase power converter topologies underlining power decoupling

Evolution of single-phase power converter topologies underlining power decoupling


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Single-phase power converters are widely used in electric distribution systems under 10 kilowatts, where the second-order power imbalance between the AC side and DC side is an inherent issue. The pulsating power is decoupled from the desired constant DC power, through an auxiliary circuit using energy storage components. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of single-phase converter topologies underlining power decoupling techniques. Passive power decoupling techniques were commonly used in single-phase power converters before active power decoupling techniques were developed. Since then, active power decoupling topologies have generally evolved based on three streams of concepts: 1) current-reference active power decoupling; 2) DC voltage-reference active power decoupling; and 3) AC voltage-reference active power decoupling. The benefits and drawbacks of each topology have been presented and compared with its predecessor, revealing underlying logic in the evolution of the topologies. In addition, a general comparison has also been made in terms of decoupling capacitance/inductance, additional cost, efficiency and complexity of control, providing a benchmark for future power decoupling topologies.
机译:单相功率转换器广泛用于10千瓦以下的配电系统中,其中交流侧和直流侧之间的二次功率不平衡是一个固有的问题。通过使用能量存储组件的辅助电路,脉动功率与所需的恒定直流功率解耦。本文提供了概述单相转换器拓扑结构发展的综合概述,这些结构强调了功率去耦技术。在开发有功功率去耦技术之前,无源功率去耦技术通常用于单相功率转换器中。从那时起,有功功率去耦拓扑通常基于以下三类概念发展:1)电流基准有功功率去耦; 2)直流参考电压有功功率去耦; 3)交流参考电压有功功率去耦。已经介绍了每种拓扑的优缺点,并将其与前一代进行了比较,揭示了拓扑发展过程中的基本逻辑。此外,在去耦电容/电感,额外成本,效率和控制复杂性方面也进行了一般比较,为将来的电源去耦拓扑提供了基准。



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