首页> 外文期刊>Chest >The Treatment of Regurgitant Esophagitis by Reconstruction of the Cardiac Sphincter Mechanism in Patients with No Demonstrable Hiatal Hernia

The Treatment of Regurgitant Esophagitis by Reconstruction of the Cardiac Sphincter Mechanism in Patients with No Demonstrable Hiatal Hernia


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IntroductionnSince esophagitis was first described in 1879 by Quinke,’ a number ofnpapers based on clinical and laboratory observations have been publishednassociating esophagitis with the regurgitation of acid-peptic juice fromnthe stomach.’-’ Although Jackson’ described peptic ulcers of the esoph-nagus in 1927, Winklestein7 is usually given the credit for first describingnpeptic esophagitis as a new clinical entity in 1935. He stated that thenmechanism of its production was not entirely clear. In 1957, he8 discussednpeptic esophagitis associated with duodenal ulcer, and suggested it asnpart of the ulcer diathesis as is the duodenitis and antral gastritis seennin association with a peptic ulcer. Since many patients with severe ulcerndiathesis have no associated esophagitis, and since other patients with anknown gastric hypoacidity may develop severe esophagitis, this is not thenonly explanation for the production of such esophageal changes. Whethernan ulcer diathesis exists or not, the transcardial reflux of gastric juiceninto the lower esophagus is the sine qua non in the development of thenesophagitis. In the absence of such abetting factors as prolonged severenvomiting, the presence of a nasogastric tube, or surgery on the esophago-ngastric junction, regurgitant esophagitis is most likely due to an in-ncompetent cardiac sphincter mechanism associated with a hiatal hernia.
机译:自从1879年Quinke首次描述了食管炎以来,许多基于临床和实验室观察的论文都发表了关于将食管炎与胃酸消化液反流相关的文章。 1927年,Winklestein7通常被认为是在1935年首次将消化性食管炎描述为一种新的临床实体。他说,当时其产生机理尚不完全清楚。 1957年,他[8]讨论了与十二指肠溃疡有关的消化性食管炎,并建议将其作为溃疡性素质的一部分,十二指肠炎和窦性胃炎与消化性溃疡有关。由于许多患有重度溃疡病的患者没有相关的食管炎,并且由于其他胃酸过多的患者可能会发展为严重的食管炎,因此这不仅是造成这种食管改变的原因。不论是否存在溃疡性溃疡,胃液经心反流进入食道下端是食管炎发展的必要条件。在没有诸如长时间剧烈呕吐,鼻胃管存在或食管-胃交界处手术等教be因素的情况下,反流性食管炎最有可能是由于与食管裂孔疝相关的心脏括约肌功能不全。



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