首页> 外文期刊>Central European History >Exorcism and Enlightenment: Johann Joseph Gassner and the Demons of Eighteenth-Century Germany. By H. C. Erik Midelfort. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2005. Pp. xiii+219. Cloth $35.00. ISBN 0-300-10669-6.

Exorcism and Enlightenment: Johann Joseph Gassner and the Demons of Eighteenth-Century Germany. By H. C. Erik Midelfort. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2005. Pp. xiii+219. Cloth $35.00. ISBN 0-300-10669-6.

机译:驱魔和启示:约翰·约瑟夫·加斯纳(Johann Joseph Gassner)和18世纪德国的魔鬼。由H.C. Erik Midelfort。纽黑文和伦敦:耶鲁大学出版社。 2005。页。 xiii + 219。布料$ 35.00。 ISBN 0-300-10669-6。

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This book is centered around the short-lived career of Johann Joseph Gassner asrnan exorcist. Gassner enjoyed brief fame and generated a massive polemicalrndebate starting in 1774 because he “healed” thousands of people by castingrnout demons that caused “unnatural” ailments. Gassner was just as quickly, byrnearly 1776, again relegated to obscurity after his exorcisms attracted negativernattention from the highest levels. Midelfort’s aim is not to chronicle therndetails of Gassner’s brief notoriety as an exorcist, but rather to explore variousrnaspects of late eighteenth-century German culture, society, and politicsrnthrough Gassner’s case. In five chapters Midelfort explains how the relativelyrnobscure and heretofore virtually unknown case of Gassner tells us a great dealrnabout eighteenth-century demonology, imperial politics, medicine, biblicalrnstudies, and the Enlightenment.
机译:本书以约翰·约瑟夫·加斯纳(Johann Joseph Gassner)驱魔人的短暂职业为中心。加斯纳(Gassner)享有短暂的名声,并从1774年开始引发大规模的辩论,因为他通过抛弃造成“非自然”疾病的恶魔“治愈”了数千人。加斯纳(Gassner)一样快,直到1776年左右,在他的驱魔引起了最高层的消极关注之后,他再次沦为默默无闻。米德尔福(Midelfort)的目的不是为了记述加斯纳(Gassner)作为驱魔人的短暂恶名的细节,而是要通过加斯纳(Gassner)的案子探索18世纪晚期德国文化,社会和政治的各个方面。在第五章中,米德尔福解释了相对模糊,迄今几乎未知的加斯纳案是如何告诉我们关于十八世纪恶魔学,帝国政治,医学,圣经研究和启蒙运动的。



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