首页> 外文期刊>Central European History >Hitler's Priests: Catholic Clergy and National Socialism. By Kevin P. Spicer. Dekalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press. 2008. Cloth $34.95. ISBN 978-0875703845.

Hitler's Priests: Catholic Clergy and National Socialism. By Kevin P. Spicer. Dekalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press. 2008. Cloth $34.95. ISBN 978-0875703845.

机译:希特勒的祭司:天主教神职人员和民族社会主义。凯文·P·斯派塞着。伊利诺伊州迪卡尔布:北伊利诺伊大学出版社。 2008.布料:34.95美元。 ISBN 978-0875703845。

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Kevin Spicer’s Hitler’s Priests is a meticulous examination of a small subset ofrnGerman Catholic priests who openly supported Hitler and the NationalrnSocialist movement. Through extensive research in church and state archives inrnGermany Spicer concludes that 138 priests out of more than 30,000 were pro-rnNazi “brown priests” or “Hitler’s priests.” Brown priests, according to Spicer’sbroad definition, included not only those clergymen who joined the Nazi Partyrnbut also those who remained outside the party and yet extolled the virtues ofrnNational Socialism in private correspondence, newspaper editorials, scholarlyrntexts, and public lectures (p. 28). The Third Reich’s fervent nationalism,rnhatred of communism, and fanatical anti-Semitism appealed to brown priestsrnwhose political orientation had been molded by the post-World War I chaosrnand upheaval and whose religious education was tainted by Christian anti-rnSemitism. Only one-third of the 138 brown priests joined the Nazi Party; thernremaining eighty or so tended to be members of one of the conservativernparties rather than the Catholic Center Party. Although interspersed with insight-rnful analytical observations about the attraction of National Socialism for this tinyrnminority of Catholic clergy, Hitler’s Priests is not primarily an analytical work.rnRather it consists of fascinating and sometimes shocking depictions of the politicalrnand religious practices of a few dozen pro-Nazi priests. A handy appendix at thernend of the book alphabetizes all the brown priests and provides some biographicalrndetails about each.
机译:凯文·斯派塞的希特勒牧师是对一小部分公开支持希特勒和国民社会主义运动的德国天主教神父的精心检查。通过对教堂和国家档案馆的广泛研究,德国Spicer得出结论,在30,000多个牧师中,有138名是亲纳粹的“棕色牧师”或“ Hitler牧师”。根据斯派塞的广泛定义,布朗牧师不仅包括那些加入纳粹党的牧师,还包括那些仍在党外但仍在私人书信,报纸社论,学术文章和公开演讲中赞扬国家社会主义优点的人(第28页) )。第三帝国的热情民族主义,对共产主义的憎恨和狂热的反犹太主义吸引了棕色的牧师,其政治取向是由第一次世界大战后的混乱和动荡所塑造的,其宗教教育受到基督教的反犹太主义的熏陶。 138名棕色牧师中只有三分之一加入了纳粹党;剩下的八十人左右往往是保守党之一的成员,而不是天主教中心党。尽管散布着关于全国社会主义对天主教神职人员这一微不足道的吸引力的有见地的分析性观察,但希特勒的牧师并不是主要的分析工作。而是由对数十个亲民的政治和宗教习俗的迷人描述,有时甚至是令人震惊的描述组成。纳粹神父。随书附有一个方便的附录,按字母顺序排列了所有棕色的牧师,并提供了一些有关每个牧师的传记细节。



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