首页> 外文期刊>Caribbean Journal of Science >First Reports of Padina antillarum and P. glabra (Phyaeophyta-Dicytyotaceae) from Florida, with a Key to the Wetern Atlantic Species of the Genus

First Reports of Padina antillarum and P. glabra (Phyaeophyta-Dicytyotaceae) from Florida, with a Key to the Wetern Atlantic Species of the Genus

机译:来自佛罗里达的Padina antillarum和P. glabra(Phyaeophyta-Dicytyotaceae)的第一份报告,是该属西大西洋属物种的关键

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Padina antillarum (Kutzing) Piccone and P. glabra Gaillard are newly reported for Florida. The first speices, which has been widely reported for the Indo-Pacific under the name P. tetrastromatiica Hauck, has seldom been reported form the Western Atlantic. The type locality of P. antillarum is Trinidad In the Lesser Antilles, and there are reports of its occurrence form Venezuela and Colombia. Observations are Provide don tetrasporangiate and oogonial plants collected form Brevard County, Florida.
机译:最近报道了佛罗里达州的Padina antillarum(Kutzing)Piccone和P. glabra Gaillard。最初在印度洋-太平洋地区以P.tetrastromatiicaica Hauck的名称进行了报道的稀有物种,很少在西大西洋得到报道。 antillarum的类型局部为小安的列斯的特立尼达,并且有委内瑞拉和哥伦比亚的报告。观察结果提供了从佛罗里达州布雷瓦德县收集的唐孢子和鞭毛植物。



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