首页> 外文期刊>Caribbean Journal of Science >New Mexican Records of Marine Algae Including Crouania mayae sp. nov. (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)

New Mexican Records of Marine Algae Including Crouania mayae sp. nov. (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)

机译:墨西哥海藻的新记录,包括Crouania mayae sp。十一月(菊苣科,红藻)

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We report new records from the Mexican Caribbean of three species of Rhodophyta (including Crouania mayae sp. nov.), two species of Heterokontophyta, and two species of Chlorophyta; all are rare species in the Caribbean. The only previous Caribbean record of Rhodochaete pulchella is from Jamaica, and Naccaria antillana was known only from Jamaica and Nevis Island. Herponema tortugense has been reported from Florida, Puerto Rico and Brazil. The record of Verosphacella ebrachia is the first outside the type locality in Florida and that of Rhipidosiphon floridensis is the first outside of Florida and Puerto Rico. Rhipiliopsis stri is reported for the first time outside of Panama, Colombia and the Netherlands Antilles. Information is given on the morphology, reproductive stage, localities and habitats of these taxa.
机译:我们报告了来自墨西哥加勒比地区的3种红藻植物(包括Crouania mayae sp。nov。),2种杂种植物和2种绿藻的新记录。在加勒比地区都是稀有物种。以前加勒比地区唯一的红景天记录来自牙买加,而纳卡里亚安提拉纳仅从牙买加和尼维斯岛才知道。据报道,佛罗里达州,波多黎各和巴西都患有鹿角疱疹。埃博拉弧菌的记录是佛罗里达州以外类型的第一个记录,而弗里希波西芬的记录是佛罗里达州和波多黎各以外的第一个记录。 Rhipiliopsis stri首次在巴拿马,哥伦比亚和荷属安的列斯群岛以外报道。提供了有关这些类群的形态,生殖阶段,地点和栖息地的信息。



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