首页> 外文期刊>Carbon Management >Aggregation, carbon, nitrogen, and natural abundance of ~(13)C and ~(15)N in soils under no-tillage system fertilized with injection and surface application of pig slurry for five years

Aggregation, carbon, nitrogen, and natural abundance of ~(13)C and ~(15)N in soils under no-tillage system fertilized with injection and surface application of pig slurry for five years


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Injection of pig slurry (PS) into soils under no-tillage system (NTS) is more efficient for improving soil chemical and physical attributes, and reducing C and N emissions, than surface applications. This study evaluated the effect of using injection and surface application of PS, compared to NPK and control treatments, on the soil aggregate, C and N contents, and isotopes C-13 and N-15. The NTS consisted of rotations of summer (maize) and winter (black oat and wheat) grasses from 2011 to 2015. The treatments were PS injected into the soil (PSI), PS applied on the soil surface (PSS), chemical fertilization (NPK), and control (CTRL). The following soil properties were evaluated in the 0-5, 5-10, and 10-20 cm layers: aggregate stability (geometric mean diameter - GMD; aggregate mass distribution); total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in macroaggregates (8.0-0.25 mm), microaggregates (0.25 mm), and bulk soil (2.0 mm); and isotopes C-13 and N-15 in macro and microaggregates. The application of PSI improved the soil physical attributes, presenting higher GMD (0-5 cm) than the PSS, NPK, and CTRL treatments. In the 5-10 cm layer, the PSI treatments were more efficient in increasing the GMD and macroaggregate mass than the NPK. PSI also was more efficient in increasing TOC and TN when compared to PSS, and generated a higher GMD, which are protectors of these elements in the soil. The natural abundance of N-15 denoted the lower soil organic matter decomposition in the PSI treatment when compared to the PSS. The natural abundance of C-13 showed less-negative values in macroaggregates than in microaggregates, denoting that the soil management practices and crops used (grasses) affected positively the abundance of C-13. After seven applications of PS in maize-oat-wheat rotation in NTS, the application of PSI was more efficient in improving the soil physical and chemical attributes than the application of PSS.
机译:在无耕作系统(NTS)下的猪浆料(PS)注入土壤,更有效地改善土壤化学物质和物理属性,以及降低C和N的排放,而不是表面应用。该研究评估了PS的注射和表面施加的效果与NPK和对照处理相比,土壤骨料,C和N含量和同位素C-13和N-15。 NTS由2011年至2015年的夏季(玉米)和冬季(黑燕麦和小麦)草的旋转组成。将治疗注射到土壤(PSI)中注射到土壤表面(PSS),化学施肥(NPK)中)和控制(Ctrl)。在0-5,5-10和10-20cm层中评价以下土壤性质:骨料稳定性(几何平均直径 - GMD;骨料块状分布);大型有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN)在大甲淀粉中(8.0-0.25mm),微烧结(& 0.25mm)和散装土壤(& 2.0 mm);和同位素C-13和N-15在宏观和微烧结中。 PSI的应用改善了土壤物理属性,呈现比PSS,NPK和CTRL处理更高的GMD(0-5厘米)。在5-10厘米的层中,PSI处理在增加GMD和大宏观块中比NPK更有效。与PSS相比,PSI在增加TOC和TN时也更有效,并产生更高的GMD,这是土壤中这些元素的保护器。与PSS相比,N-15的N-15的天然丰度表示PSI处理中的较低土壤有机质分解。 C-13的天然丰度在大甲渣中显示出的较低阴性值,而不是在微烧结中,表示使用的土壤管理和作物(草)的影响积极影响C-13。 PS在NTS中PS在玉米 - 燕麦 - 小麦旋转中的七种应用后,PSI的应用更有效地改善了PSS的应用而改善了土壤物理和化学品。



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