
Thames Rart One Ring


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It was in July 1939 that Tom Rolt left Tooley's boatyard in Banbury aboard his converted working boat Cressy on his epic voyage around the crumbling midland canals. The result of the cruise was the publication of the classic book Narrow Boat and his observations that led to the creation of the Inland Waterways Association and the revival of the waterways. Tooley's Boatyard is still there, but it'srndoubtful whether Mr Rolt would recognise much else in Banbury today. The lock and one of the liftbridges are still there, but gone are the coal-carrying working boats and the toll office where their cargoes were gauged. The canal in Banbury is now dominated by the Castle Quay Shopping Centre, which is very useful for visiting boats. Tooley's Boatyard is now part of the excellent Banbury Museum and the Mill Arts Centre is close by the lock. Tom Rolt Bridge, just north of the shopping centre, has a plaque to commemorate the great man's voyage from Banbury.
机译:1939年7月,汤姆·罗尔特(Tom Rolt)乘着他改建的工作船切雷斯(Cressy)离开班尼(Banbury)的工具船,驶向那片摇摇欲坠的内陆运河。这次航行的结果是出版了经典著作《窄船》(Narrow Boat)和他的观察,从而创立了内陆水道协会并复兴了水道。 Tooley的造船厂仍在那儿,但对于Rolt先生今天是否会在Banbury认识到其他很多事情,这是个疑问。船闸和其中的一部吊桥仍在那儿,但运煤的载货船和收费处已经消失了。班伯里(Banbury)的运河现在由城堡码头购物中心(Castle Quay Shopping Centre)主导,这对于参观船只非常有用。现在,Tooley's Boatyard是出色的班伯里博物馆的一部分,而米尔艺术中心就在附近。购物中心北边的汤姆·罗特桥(Tom Rolt Bridge)上有一块牌匾,以纪念这位伟人从班伯里(Banbury)的航行。



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