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The Life and Death of the Cotswold Canals


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The first really derelict canal I ever saw was the Thames & Severn. It was August 1958 and I was exploring the Thames in a 12ft motorised camping dinghy. All the way from the West London suburbs to the Gloucestershire Head of Navigation and back in a fortnight It rained every day. Several days it rained endlessly all day. None the less, this was a huge adventure for a 15-year old. The peak of my excitement was reaching Inglesham, junction with the Thames & Severn Canal beyond Lechlade. Here was a creeper-clad Thames & Severn Round House, which had been converted into a private residence. Quietly, I moored up, penetrated what I soon realised was someone's garden and discovered the rotting gates of the first lock. The canal bed remained damp and reedy here as I stumbled around in the undergrowth, trying to trace the line of the navigation westwards. Although boats had struggled through less than fifty years earlier, looking at the mature trees growing everywhere, that fifty years might have been one hundred.
机译:我见过的第一个真正被遗弃的运河是泰晤士河和塞弗恩河。那是1958年8月,当时我正在12英尺高的机动露营橡皮艇上探索泰晤士河。从西伦敦郊区一直到格洛斯特郡航行负责人,再过去两个星期,每天都在下雨。几天全天无休止地下着雨。尽管如此,对于15岁的孩子来说,这是一次巨大的冒险。我激动的高峰到达了因格勒舍姆(Inglesham),与莱赫拉德(Lechlade)以外的泰晤士河和塞文运河(Thames&Severn Canal)交界。这是一间爬山的泰晤士河和塞文圆形房屋,已改建为私人住宅。安静地,我停泊了下来,穿透了我很快意识到有人的花园,并发现了第一把锁的腐烂之门。当我在灌木丛中绊倒时,运河床仍保持湿润和芦苇,试图向西追踪航行路线。尽管船只经历了不到五十年的挣扎,看着到处都是成熟的树木,但五十年可能已经一百年了。



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