
Keeping Napoleon at bay


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In the summer of 1803, a quarter of a million of Napoleon's troops were sunning themselves on the French beaches prior to an invasion of England. Napoleon's generals had spotted a weak spot along England's coastline, and calculated that once ashore the French army could be in London in three days. Napoleon boasted that he would 'plant the Imperial Eagle on the Tower of London'. The flat coastline in front of Romney Marsh between Hastings and Folkestone was the most vulnerable part of the coast, making it an ideal Invasion point, but probably because of the attentions of the British Navy, Napoleon did not press home his military advantage. Meanwhile the new Government under William Pitt the younger began building defences against the invading French. Bristling with cannons, 73 forts called Martello Towers were built at one-mile intervals along the coast. It is ironic that the name Martello comes from a similar tower at Torre della Martello in Napoleon's own backyard of Corsica.
机译:1803年夏天,在入侵英格兰之前,拿破仑的四分之一部队在法国海滩上晒黑。拿破仑的将军们在英格兰海岸线上发现了一个薄弱环节,并计算出一旦法国军队上岸,三天之内便可以到达伦敦。拿破仑吹嘘他会“在伦敦塔上种植帝国之鹰”。海斯廷斯(Hastings)和福克斯通(Folkestone)之间的罗姆尼沼泽(Romney Marsh)前面平坦的海岸线是海岸最脆弱的地区,使其成为理想的入侵点,但由于英国海军的关注,拿破仑并未压制他的军事优势。同时,年轻的威廉·皮特(William Pitt)领导下的新政府开始对入侵的法国人进行防御。沿海岸一英里的间隔建造了73座被称为Martello塔的堡垒,上面夹着大炮。具有讽刺意味的是,Martello这个名字来自拿破仑自己的科西嘉后院的Torre della Martello的类似塔楼。



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