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The man with his finger on the pulse of the canals


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When civil engineer Stewart Sim joined British Waterways in 1974, he expected to be working for the organisation for just a few years. "I thought the job would simply be a stepping stone and that eventually I would move onwards and upwards elsewhere." Stewart did indeed move onwards and upwards, but solely within British Waterways. He has now clocked up 31 years' unbroken service with the corporation, finally becoming Technical Director. Derby-born and raised, Stewart's first post with British Waterways was assistant area engineer in Birmingham. "The condition of the track in those days was such that we seemed to have an emergency every other week. There was a lot of 'fire-fighting'. We had huge problems in Birmingham and had to close quite a few of our tunnels and canals for long periods."
机译:当土木工程师Stewart Sim于1974年加入英国航道时,他希望在该组织工作仅几年。 “我认为这份工作只是一个垫脚石,最终我将在其他地方继续前进。”斯图尔特确实确实向上和向上移动,但仅在英国航道内移动。现在,他为公司提供了31年不间断的服务,最终成为技术总监。斯图尔特出生于德比并长大,在英国水路公司任职的第一任职位是伯明翰的助理地区工程师。 “当时的赛道状况是如此之差,以至于我们似乎每隔一周就要发生一次紧急情况。那里发生了很多'消防'事件。我们在伯明翰遇到了很多问题,不得不关闭了相当多的隧道,运河。”



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