
Women Lawyers before the Supreme Court of Canada


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American and Canadian scholars have found significant evidence of gen-nder bias in the legal system, including the legal profession ~ABA, 2007;nCBA, 1993; Foot and Stager, 1990; Kay and Brockman, 2000; Lopez,n2008; Noonan et al., 2005; Rhode, 2002: 1001!. Interestingly, scholarsnstudying lawyer gender bias in the US have recently inquired as tonwhether gender bias against women lawyers has crept into the deci-nsional processes of the US Supreme Court ~USSCT!. Specifically, a studynconducted by Szmer and colleagues ~2010! indicates that women law-nyers are not disadvantaged in finding success on case outcomes but doesnsuggest that conservative justices are less likely to side with parties rep-nresented by women attorneys. On the other hand, the study also con-ncluded that the justices are more likely to side with the position advocatednby women lawyers in cases raising “women’s issues” ~Szmer et al.,n2010: 27!.
机译:美国和加拿大的学者已经发现法律制度中存在性别偏见的重要证据,包括法律专业〜ABA,2007; nCBA,1993;脚和舞台演员,1990年;凯和布罗克曼,2000;洛佩兹,2008年; Noonan et al。,2005;罗德(Rhode),2002:1001!。有趣的是,最近有学者研究美国的律师性别偏见,因为针对女性律师的性别偏见是否已悄悄渗入美国最高法院的决定程序。具体而言,由Szmer及其同事进行的一项研究〜2010年!指出,没有律师的女律师在案件结案中获得成功并不是不利的,但是这表明保守的法官不太可能支持由女律师代表的政党。另一方面,该研究还得出结论,在提出“妇女问题”的案件中,大法官更倾向于支持女律师的立场〜Szmer et al。,n2010:27!。



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