首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Physics >Towards relativistic atomic physics. Part 1. The rest-frame instant form of dynamics and a canonical transformation for a system of charged particles plus the electro-magnetic field

Towards relativistic atomic physics. Part 1. The rest-frame instant form of dynamics and a canonical transformation for a system of charged particles plus the electro-magnetic field


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Abstract: A complete exposition of the rest-frame instant form of dynamics for arbitrary isolated systems (particles,nfields, strings, fluids) admitting a Lagrangian description is given. The starting point is the parametrized Minkowskintheory describing the system in arbitrary admissible noninertial frames in Minkowski space-time, which allows onento define the energy–momentum tensor of the system and to show the independence of the description from the clocknsynchronization convention and from the choice of the 3-coordinates. The restriction to the inertial rest frame, centered onnthe inertial observer having the Fokker–Pryce center-of-inertia world-line, and the study of relativistic collective variablesnreplacing the nonrelativistic center of mass lead to the description of the isolated system as a decoupled globally definednnoncovariant canonical external center of mass carrying a pole–dipole structure (the invariant mass M and the rest spinn¯ S of the system) and an external realization of the Poincaré group. Mc and ¯ S are the energy and angular momentum ofna unfaithful internal realization of the Poincaré group built with the energy–momentum tensor of the system and actingninside the instantaneous Wigner 3-spaces where all the 3-vectors are Wigner covariant. The vanishing of the internaln3-momentum and of the internal Lorentz boosts eliminate the internal 3-center of mass inside the Wigner 3-spaces, so thatnat the end the isolated system is described only by Wigner-covariant canonical internal relative variables. Then an isolatednsystem of positive-energy charged scalar articles with mutual Coulomb interaction plus a transverse electromagnetic fieldnin the radiation gauge is investigated as a classical background for defining relativistic atomic physics. The electric chargesnof the particles are Grassmann-valued to regularize the self-energies. The external and internal realizations of the Poincarénalgebra in the rest-frame instant form of dynamics are found. This allows one to define explicitly the rest-frame conditionsnand their gauge-fixings (needed for the elimination of the internal 3-center of mass) for this isolated system. It is shownnthat there is a canonical transformation that allows one to describe the isolated system as a set of Coulomb-dressedncharged particles interacting through a Coulomb plus Darwin potential plus a free transverse radiation field: these twonsubsystems are not mutually interacting (the internal Poincaré generators are a direct sum of the two components) and areninterconnected only by the rest-frame conditions and the elimination of the internal 3-center of mass. Therefore, in thisnframework with a fixed number of particles there is a way out from the Haag theorem, at least at the classical level.
机译:摘要:给出了承认拉格朗日描述的任意孤立系统(粒子,场,弦,流体)动力学的静止帧即时形式的完整说明。出发点是在Minkowski时空中以任意可容许的非惯性框架描述系统的参数化Minkowski理论,它允许从系统中定义能量-动量张量,并表明描述与时钟同步约定以及选择时的独立性。 3个坐标。对惯性静止架的限制,以具有福克-普莱斯惯性中心世界线的惯性观测器为中心,以及相对论集体变量的研究取代了非相对论质心,导致将孤立系统描述为全局解耦定义了具有极偶极结构的非质变标准正态外部质量中心(系统的不变质量M和其余的Spinn'S)和庞加莱群的外部实现。 Mc和S是庞加莱群的不忠实内部实现的能量和角动量,庞加莱群是用系统的能量动量张量构建的,并且作用在瞬时的维格纳3维空间内,其中所有3维矢量都是维格纳协变量。内部n 3动量和内部洛伦兹增强的消失消除了维格纳3空间内部的内部3质心,因此最终隔离系统仅由维格纳协变规范内部相对变量来描述。然后,研究一个具有相互库仑相互作用的正能量带电标量物体的隔离系统,以及在辐射计中的横向电磁场,作为定义相对论原子物理学的经典背景。粒子的电荷为格拉斯曼值,以调节自能量。发现了庞加莱纳代耳在动力学的其余帧即时形式中的外部和内部实现。这样一来,就可以为该隔离系统明确定义其余框架条件及其标距(用于消除内部3个质心)。结果表明,存在一个典范变换,可以使孤立的系统描述为一组通过库仑加达尔文势加自由横向辐射场相互作用的库仑修饰的带电粒子:这两个子系统不相互作用(内部庞加莱发电机是这两个分量的直接和)并且仅通过其余框架条件和内部三重心的消除才相互关联。因此,在具有固定数量粒子的这种框架中,至少在经典水平上,Haag定理有一条出路。



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