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Running one of iran's largest Internet service providers is close to a 24-hour job for Abdollah Fateh, who has to hustle to keep customers happy while prying more phone lines from the government. But recently a haggard-looking Fateh, who is Pars On-line's managing director, took time out for a meal at Monsoon, a popular Chinese restaurant in Tehran. Fateh, 31, grew up in Boston but moved back to Iran in 1995. Haggard or not, he doesn't regret leaving comfortable America one bit. "I can make a difference here," he says. Fateh has certainly made a splash. The Pars Online logo is as commonly seen around Tehran as the late revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's scowling visage. Pars Online's business has grown tenfold in the last three years, to an estimated 120,000 customers. Fateh and his partner, Madjid Emami, are far from the only Iranian entrepreneurs who have found a sweet spot at home. The Tehran Stock Exchange rewarded investors with 130% gains for the year ended in March, and businesses ranging from autos to information technology are booming. "You can double [your business] here every year," says Mojdeh Abe-di, a 32-year-old Iranian woman who five years ago abandoned a legal career in Paris to manage a budding food additives business in Tehran.
机译:经营伊朗最大的互联网服务提供商之一对阿卜杜拉·法塔赫(Abdollah Fateh)来说是将近24小时的工作,他必须努力使客户满意,同时撬动更多的政府电话线路。但是最近,Pars On-line的董事总经理法塔赫(Fathe)看上去很ha,他抽空在德黑兰一家受欢迎的中餐馆Monsoon用餐。现年31岁的法塔赫在波士顿长大,但于1995年移居伊朗。无论是否gg,他都不后悔离开美国舒适一点。他说:“我可以在这里有所作为。”法塔赫无疑引起了轰动。在线的Pars Online徽标在德黑兰各地很常见,就像已故的革命领袖Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini皱着眉头一样。在过去三年中,Pars Online的业务增长了十倍,估计有120,000个客户。法塔赫和他的搭档马吉德·埃米米(Madjid Emami)远非仅有的在国内找到理想之地的伊朗企业家。德黑兰证券交易所在截至3月的财年中向投资者奖励了130%的收益,从汽车到信息技术的业务都在蓬勃发展。 “您可以在这里将[您的业务]翻一番,” 32岁的伊朗妇女Mojdeh Abe-di说道,她五年前放弃了在巴黎的合法职业,开始在德黑兰经营一家新兴的食品添加剂业务。



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