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The Power of Productivity: Why This Recovery Will Roll On


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From the beginning, this economic recovery has felt different. Officially, it began back in November, 2001. But it has only been in the past few months that growth has been strong enough for Corporate America to hang out the "For Hire" signs and take on more workers. And now, just as the job market has turned up, fears are mounting in financial markets that an inflationary brew of rising interest rates and surging oil prices will prematurely cut short the growth and the upswing in hiring. It doesn't have to be that way. Indeed, such fears are proba- bly misplaced. Thar s because the elongated start of the recovery means that the economy probably has a lot more room to run before it encounters a dangerous spurt in inflation. The key is productivity growth. It has been running at a remarkable 4.6% annual rate since the end of the recession and is the main reason the recovery has been so unusual.
机译:从一开始,这种经济复苏就感觉与众不同。正式地,它开始于2001年11月。但是直到最近几个月,这种增长才足够强劲,以至于Corporate America挂出“ For Hire”标志并招募了更多的工人。而现在,正如就业市场出现好转一样,金融市场越来越担心,利率上升和油价飞涨的通货膨胀会过早地缩短增长和雇用人数的上升。不一定要那样。确实,这种恐惧很可能是放错了地方。之所以如此,是因为复苏的开始时间过长,这意味着经济在面临通货膨胀的危险突增之前可能还有更多的运行空间。关键是生产力的增长。自衰退结束以来,它一直以每年4.6%的惊人速度运行,这是复苏如此异常的主要原因。



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