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When the Factory Is a Theme Park


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Visitors to ford motor Co.'s new truck plant are shaken as a multi-ton metal-stamping press slams shut. Heat rains down from welding sparks, followed by the cooling mist of a paint shop. Too close for comfort? Hardly. At Ford's historic Rouge manufacturing complex in Dearborn, Mich., tourists will watch the assembly of F-150 pickup trucks from the safety of a mezzanine 16 feet above the factory floor. But they will also get a much more personal feel for the action through multi-sensory special effects spilling out of 360-degree screens in an accompanying video tour. The $14 admission price also buys a history lesson about the 87-year-old Rouge property, where Henry Ford once cranked out the Model A and battled union activists, and a display of Ford vehicles through the ages. The finishing touch: an 80-foot tower from which it's possible to look out over a 10-acre lawn that covers the complex' "living roof," as well as the surrounding crab-apple orchard, beehives, and solar panels.
机译:福特汽车公司新卡车工厂的参观者因多吨重的金属冲压机关门而动摇。焊接火花会散发热量,接着是喷漆车间的冷却雾。太靠近舒适了吗?几乎不。在密歇根州迪尔伯恩市福特历史悠久的胭脂制造厂,游客将可以从工厂地板上方16英尺的夹层安全地观看F-150皮卡车的组装。但是通过伴随视频之旅的360度屏幕溢出的多感官特效,他们也将对该动作有更个人的感觉。 14美元的门票价格还可以买到关于具有87年历史的Rouge物业的历史课,亨利·福特曾经在那儿开创了Model A并与工会激进分子交战,并展示了福特汽车的悠久历史。画龙点睛:一个80英尺高的塔楼,可以俯瞰10英亩的草坪,该草坪覆盖着该建筑群的“活动屋顶”,以及周围的蟹形苹果园,蜂箱和太阳能电池板。



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