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The fourth dimension in architecture: The impact of building on behavior


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This timely reprint makes more widely available a brief but classic study of the Deere & Company corporate headquarters, designed by the architect Eero Saarinen and built in the mid-1960s in the countryside about 10 miles from Moline, Illinois. Spearheaded in its planning and design by William A. Hewitt, chairman and CEO, in close collaboration with the architect, the building aimed, in Saarinen's words, to "create the kind of pleasant and appropriate environment for employees which is part of Twentieth Century thinking"; provide "functional, efficient space" for future expansion; and "express in architecture the special character of Deere & Company" as a way to improve the company's international image (p. 15). This book focuses attention on important aspects of work settings—and thus how people communicate in those settings—that are often taken for granted even today by practitioners, researchers, and teachers of business communication. It comes at a time when a new wave of entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and academic administrators are seeing the physical design of a workplace as an agent for promoting organizational goals.
机译:这份及时的转载使Deere&Company公司总部的简短而经典的研究更为广泛地进行,该研究由建筑师Eero Saarinen设计,建于1960年代中期,距离伊利诺伊州莫林约10英里的乡村。由董事长兼首席执行官William A. Hewitt与建筑师紧密合作,率先进行规划和设计,用萨里宁的话说,这座建筑的目标是“为员工创造一种愉悦而适当的环境,这是20世纪思想的一部分“;为将来的扩展提供“功能,高效的空间”;以及“在建筑中表达Deere&Company的特色”,以提高公司的国际形象(第15页)。本书着重于工作环境的重要方面,以及人们在这些环境中的沟通方式,这些知识甚至在今天甚至被商务沟通的从业人员,研究人员和教师所理所当然地接受。这是在新一轮的企业家,企业领导者和学术管理人员将工作场所的物理设计视为促进组织目标的媒介的时候。



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