首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America >Ground Motions for Earthquakes in Southwestern British Columbia and Northwestern Washington: Crustal, In-Slab, and Offshore Events

Ground Motions for Earthquakes in Southwestern British Columbia and Northwestern Washington: Crustal, In-Slab, and Offshore Events


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Regional ground-motion generation and propagation must be characterized to adequately assess seismic hazard. In the Cascadia region of southwestern British Columbia and northwestern Washington, the ground-motion issues are particularly complex because of the contributions to hazard from five distinct types of events, all of which behave differently in terms of their ground-motion propagation characteristics: (1) shallow earthquakes occurring in the continental crust; (2) shallow earthquakes occurring offshore in oceanic crust; (3) earthquakes occurring within the subducting Juan de Fuca slab beneath the continent (e.g., Puget Sound); (4) earthquakes occurring within the subducting Juan de Fuca slab at the edge of the continent (e.g., transitional events along the west coast of Vancouver Island); and (5) great subduction earthquakes on the interface between the subducting Juan de Fuca plate and the overriding North American plate. In this study, empirical data recorded within the Cascadia region are used to evaluate the source and attenuation characteristics of ground-motion amplitudes from the first four of these event types (crustal, offshore, in-slab, and transitional) and examine their implications for regional ground-motion relations.
机译:必须对区域地面运动的产生和传播进行表征,以充分评估地震危害。在不列颠哥伦比亚省西南部和华盛顿西北部的卡斯卡迪亚地区 的地面运动问题特别复杂,这是因为 对五个地区的危害做出了贡献事件类型, ,在地面运动传播方面,所有行为均具有不同的表现 :(1)大陆 地壳中发生的浅层地震; (2)海洋 地壳近海发生的浅层地震; (3)大陆下方的Juan de Fuca俯冲板块内部发生的地震(例如普吉特海湾); (4) 地震发生在大陆边缘的俯冲胡安德富卡平板 内(例如,温哥华 西海岸的过渡事件岛); (5)在俯冲的胡安·德富卡板块与 上覆的北美板块之间的界面上发生的大俯冲地震 。在这项研究中,使用卡斯卡迪亚地区内记录的经验 数据来评估 前四个地震动振幅的来源和衰减特性这些事件类型(地壳,近海, 板内和过渡)的类型,并检查它们对 区域地震动关系的影响。



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