首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering >Site effects of the 2002 Molise earthquake, Italy: analysis of strong motion, ambient noise, and synthetic data from 2D modelling in San Giuliano di Puglia

Site effects of the 2002 Molise earthquake, Italy: analysis of strong motion, ambient noise, and synthetic data from 2D modelling in San Giuliano di Puglia

机译:意大利2002年莫利塞(Molise)地震的现场影响:强烈的运动,环境噪声和San Giuliano di Puglia二维建模中的合成数据分析

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On 31 October and 1 November 2002, the Basso Molise area (Southern Italy) was struck by two earthquakes of moderate magnitude (M L = 5.4 and 5.3). The epicentral area showed a high level of damage, attributable both to the high vulnerability of existing buildings and to site effects caused by the geological and geomorphological settings. Specifically, the intensity inside the town of San Giuliano di Puglia was two degrees higher than in neighbouring towns. Also, within San Giuliano di Puglia, the damage varied notably. The site response in the city was initially evaluated from horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) from a limited number of strong motion recordings of the most severe aftershocks. Several microtremor measurements were also available. Both data sets indicated the simultaneous presence of two amplification peaks: one around 6 Hz, attributed in previous studies to the strong, shallow impedance contrast among landfill/clay and calcarenites, and one at 2 Hz related to the first S-wave arrivals and predominantly seen only on one receiver component. Further studies performed on weak-motion recordings also showed strong amplification on the vertical receiver component, thus indicating an underestimation of the amplification by the HVSR technique. Additionally, a 2D-model of the geology of the sub-surface was developed, reproducing the flower-shaped structure generated during the late orogenic transpressive regime. The numerical (finite-difference hybrid) simulation reproduced the two peaks of the observed data at slightly higher frequencies. The model also confirmed that the borders of the flower structure define a boundary between amplification levels, with higher amplification inside.
机译:2002年10月31日至11月1日,巴索莫利塞地区(意大利南部)遭到两次中度地震(ML = 5.4和5.3)的袭击。震中区域显示出高水平的破坏,这既归因于现有建筑物的高度脆弱性,也归因于地质和地貌环境造成的场地影响。具体而言,圣朱利亚诺·迪普利亚大区内部的强度比邻近城镇高2度。另外,在圣朱利亚诺·迪普利亚大区,破坏程度明显不同。该城市的站点响应最初是根据水平和垂直光谱比(HVSR)进行评估的,该比例是从有限数量的最严重余震强烈运动记录中得出的。也有几种微震测量。这两个数据集都表明同时存在两个放大峰:一个在大约6 Hz时出现,这归因于先前的研究,这归因于垃圾填埋场/粘土和石灰质之间的强而浅的阻抗对比,另一个在2 Hz时与第一次S波的到来有关,主要仅在一个接收器组件上可见。对微动记录的进一步研究也显示了垂直接收器组件上的强烈放大,因此表明通过HVSR技术低估了放大率。另外,开发了地下地质的二维模型,再现了晚造山超压过程中产生的花形结构。数值(有限差分混合)模拟以稍高的频率再现了观测数据的两个峰。该模型还证实,花朵结构的边界定义了扩增水平之间的边界,内部具有更高的扩增。



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