首页> 外文期刊>Building Services Engineering Research & Technology >Experimental energy performance of open cooling towers used under low and variable approach conditions for indirect evaporative cooling in buildings

Experimental energy performance of open cooling towers used under low and variable approach conditions for indirect evaporative cooling in buildings


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The success of chilled ceilings and displacement ventilation systems as a means of sensible cooling in buildings has prompted a review of evaporative cooling technology as an effective means of generating the required cooling water. When such cooling water is generated at low approach conditions (2-5 K), at the higher temperatures required in these systems (14-18℃), very high levels of availability result. In many north western European locations the levels of availability are such that the prospect of supplanting rather than simply supplementing the refrigeration system, for sensible cooling purposes, arises. The viability of the technique, however, largely depends on achieving low approach conditions, at acceptable levels of energy performance. Hence the need to investigate the energy performance of the process. This paper presents the results of recent experimental research into: ⅰ) the achievement of low approach conditions in an evaporative cooling test rig; and ⅱ) the energy performance of this test rig when generating cooling water, indirectly, at the temperatures required for chilled ceilings. Energy performance is presented for a range of specific conditions and typical annual efficiencies of cooling water generation are determined. Results are compared with typical energy efficiencies of conventional, vapour compression based, refrigeration systems. A significant potential for improved annual energy performance, is shown.
机译:冷冻天花板和置换通风系统作为建筑物中显着冷却的手段的成功促使人们对蒸发冷却技术进行了研究,该技术是产生所需冷却水的有效手段。当在低进场条件(2-5 K)下,在这些系统所需的较高温度(14-18℃)下产生这种冷却水时,可获得很高的可用性。在西北欧的许多地区,可用性水平很高,因此出于合理的冷却目的,出现了取代而不是简单补充制冷系统的前景。然而,该技术的可行性在很大程度上取决于在可接受的能量性能水平上实现低进近条件。因此,有必要调查该过程的能源绩效。本文介绍了最近的实验研究结果:ⅰ)在蒸发冷却试验台上实现了低进场条件; ⅱ)在冷冻天花板所需的温度下间接产生冷却水时,该试验台的能量性能。给出了一系列特定条件下的能源性能,并确定了冷却水产生的典型年度效率。将结果与传统的基于蒸汽压缩的制冷系统的典型能效进行了比较。显示了改善年度能源绩效的巨大潜力。



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